Day of Mourning video

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In 1984, the Canadian Labour Congress established April 28th as the National Day of Mourning in Canada to remember and honour those who have died, been injured or suffered illness in the workplace.

The date was chosen in 1984, when the Canadian Labour Congress proclaimed the Day to coincide with the 70th anniversary of the day the first Ontario Worker’s Compensation Act was approved by the government (1914). The Day of Mourning was enshrined in national legislation by an Act of Parliament on February 1, 1991.

The Day of Mourning, also known as Workers’ Memorial Day, is officially recognized in about 100 countries worldwide.

Canadian flags on Parliament Hill and at Queen’s Park fly at half-mast on April 28th. The day is traditionally marked in many ways including holding public ceremonies, wearing black and yellow ribbons, lighting candles, observing a moment of silence at 11:00 a.m. and sharing stories about how workplace tragedies have touched peoples’ lives.


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On April 26th, MySafeWork is holding its "Courageous" live-stream event. MySafeWork's goal is to empower every student in Canada to have the courage to refuse unsafe work.

Register here to watch for free.



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If you or a loved one have been affected by a workplace death, injury or illness, The Association for Workplace Tragedy Family Support, known as Threads of Life, may be able to help. They provide services like grief counseling, crisis intervention support and health coping skills development.

WSIB Safety Resources

We have some resources available that can help to make Ontario a safer place to work:

- Visit our website to check on your workplace’s safety record

- Owners can log into Compass to find an analyze their business’ safety data

- Our Health and Safety Excellence program can help you develop a health and safety program for your business.


Christopher "Let's Go" Lesko

I am writing a tribute to remember Christopher “Let’s Go” Lesko. He passed away working on a construction site, in an accident that was totally preventable. No one took safety more seriously than Chris. There is no plaque or memory near the busy road where he died last September. To literally the thousands of friends and acquaintances he had, Chris can never be replaced. We will never hear his laugh, feel his joyous and caring presence, or have the honor of spending time with him. His mother and cousin feel the pain of his loss every day. I can’t pick up the phone and talk to him. Spend time with him. Enjoy the ups and downs of life with him. All his friends would say the same thing. All Chris wanted to do was to go to work and feel that he was contributing to the world. For all you owners, and employees who feel that safely is a joke. It’s not. Because of someone’s carelessness, there are people every day who don’t get to go home to their families. They can’t fall in love. Get married. Have kids and see them grow up. Enjoy grand kids. Accidents happen because there aren’t enough safety guidelines and enforcement in place by management, as well as aloof employees who don’t take safety seriously. Outside of his family or friend group, Chris’ name was not mentioned in the newspaper. We don’t want him to be a statistic. His name needs to be put out there. I am advocating for him… we are advocating for him…….as he no longer has a voice. We all love you Chris.

Mark Cockshutt

October 2, 2024 Mark Cockshutt died while working. So loved and missed by family and friends.


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John R LeBlanc Jr

John was working his shift for Fed Ex , a shift that he was covering for a friend .. driving an area that wasn’t his own ... It was April 7, 2009 when a freak snow storm caused white outs on a road and his truck had contact with another vehicle - and my brother was killed instantly. A freak storm .... a shift not his own and are area not his typical area so yes we are always asking Why ? We love you John and think of you always . We mourn what could have been .. Rest In Peace my dear sweet brother 💕


My Dad Rico went to work on Friday, August 19, 2005 and never came home to his family. Dad was 65 years old and working on a job site on Parliament Hill restoring the Library. The backhoe he was operating suddenly engaged and he went over the cliff 200 meters and died all before 7:00 am that day. We miss our Dad very much. No one should go to work to die and every worker has the right to return home to their families. Our lives were forever changed that day!

Warren Appleby

Tragically, on July 18th 2024 our brothers life was taken far too soon. Warren loved everything about Special Effects and the film industry. Warren lived each and everyday for his family and was an amazing father, son, husband, brother and dear friend to so many. Warren you are missed every minute of everyday and until we meet again you are forever with us.

Mark Barnartt

February 13, 2024 was the worst day of my life. Mark was in sales and was driving on Hwy 401 outside London when a freak snowstorm came out of nowhere. His car was hit by 2 transport trucks and was killed instantly. I miss all the retirement plans we had made. I miss that he was not able to celebrate our 25 wedding anniversary. The irony of grief is that I need to talk to Mark about how I feel about the person who is no longer here. I miss his beautiful smile and his fantastic hugs.


In memory of my dear son Christopher, who was killed in a workplace accident, September 10th, 2024. You are dearly missed by many friends and family. Will miss you always and forever. You were an angel on earth, helping so many and now an angel in heaven. Love forever, Mom. xxxooo


My son Joey was 32 when he was killed on the job.. he was pinned between a bobcat and a cement truck Oct 28/2016 ... I sent Joey a message that morning to confirm our Sunday visit and time with my grandsons.... the day is still a blur at times with my thoughts .. a phone call no parent ever wants to get ... for days into months I kept looking at my text wishing I had of got one last message ... my heart still aches like it just happened .. Joey your boys are a mix of you .. they would make you so proud .. Joey you were an awesome Dad the short time you had that role ... I love you and my heart will be for ever broken .. love mom xo

Joel Murray

Joel Murray, 39 years old, who had worked at the auto parts plant for 15 years, had just punched into work at 6:30 a. m. when he was called to make an adjustment to an automatic milling machine. While he was in an enclosed area to inspect the machine's tooling, a backloader pinned his head and neck against the lathe. He died on site. The investigation had revealed that at the time of Murray's accident, six perimeter switches, protective devices that prevent access to the exposed moving loader, were found bent out of position on two of the lathes. This rendered the switches inoperable and ineffective. He left behind, a wife and two young children, 12 years and 14 years old. He was a fruit farmer as well and was supposed to coach his sons hockey game that evening. Joel never made it to that game.

Mark Beskorowany

My husband Mark was in a tragic workplace accident on August 19,2024 and had fought for his life but unfortunately succumbed to his injuries on August 21,2024. That day we lost an amazing person. My whole world came crashing down. We were just starting to plan our future retirement we had so many plans. We were becoming grandparents for the first time and he was so excited to meet our grandaughter which he never had an opportunity. Our grandaughter was born October 26th. It is so difficult to see my childrens accomplishments and not having him here to share in them. Mark will be missed but he will never be forgotten.

Manuel Neves Almeida

Forever in our hearts.It's going to be 8 years since a workplace accident took your life. We continue to mourn your loss. So many memories had been left to make, what we would give to be able to wrap our arms around you again. We love and miss you.

Norman D. Heath

April 28, 1966, Daddy, 36 worked overtime to feed his 8 children. Approximately at 10 p.m. rainy, Dad fell from a transformer off the ladder to hit the ground. Bleed to the brain caused by the fall ended one horrendous year later on April 17, 1967 when Daddy died. Mom and her eight children miss him daily. Today, Mom in her 92nd year looks forward to see her Norm again. Stay safe.

Terry Paradis

Terry died in an industrial accident on a remote CN Rail line. He and others were using a boom truck to move sections of steal. One rail section dislodged from the rack and boom arm and fell, striking him across the lower back and pinning him to ground. He died on scene and left behind a daughter and many loved friends and family.

James Nicholas Guido

My beloved brother Always loved Never forgotten

Andrew David Bell Jan 09 2018

Andrew Bell died doing a job he loved Long haul driver On Jan 09 2018 l received a call that forever impacted my life My husband died in South Carolina without the help of WSIB l would never been able to bring my husband home to his family ,Life is so very precious enjoy every minute you have with your loved ones Always remember to say l love you every day for you will wish one-day you could hear them again Amazing husband ,father ,grandfather most of all a caring truck driver one that we know is missed by all his friends Andrew Bell January 30 1962 to January 09 2018 forever my Sweetheart


Died suddenly on June 14, 2001 due to leukaemia caused from benzene. He was 42. We miss him dearly.


This is a tribute for my fiance Ryan Pearce who lost his life doing what he loved... at just a young age of 19 years old Ryan was trapped and killed after a house on Brookdale ave had collapsed while he and one other worker was in the basement. I miss you every day baby. Gone but never forgotton.


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Mario Simoes

This is a tribute to a family friend who tragically lost his life on the job in Burlington, ON. You are still thought of, and your friends and family miss you dearly. Tragedies like this ruin many lives and can easily be avoided when safe work practices are established by the companies. Everyone should get to go home at the end of the day. Rest in peace, kind Mario.

Ricardo Soares

November 17, 2017 was the worst day of my family’s life and the pain does not go away. A dump truck backed up into my brother and ran him over killing him instantly, robbing us of millions of memories and leaving us with no hope. My brother didn’t get to go back home to his wife and beautiful children. My parents’ hearts will forever be broken and there is nothing I can do to fix it. Life feels very empty without him and even the happy moments will never be the same without him. This is not how people are supposed to die, everyone should be able to return home safely after work. Living without his smile is devastating and something that could have been prevented has changed our lives forever in the worst way possible.

For all Construction Workers - CMC Carrier

Our thoughts of our entire organization are with the families and friends of all the victims of the construction industry.


My brother, Richard died at the age of 24 when the lawn care truck he was driving hydroplaned and flipped over. The truck had been poorly maintained and service had not been done so the tires on the truck were bald and unable to react properly to the wet road. The truck was overweight for its capacity and as such the equipment that was in the back, along with the liquid seed in the tank caused the truck to flip. A witness to the accident reported that he driving well under the speed limit. Richard died instantly.

David Pinkney

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John Leslie Hatfield

On June 5, 1987 our dad, husband, grandfather died on the job while working for York Region maintenance. We remember him and miss him everyday with all of our love. Love from Karen and family, Sandy and family and Aaron

Wayne Affleck

On Friday December 13 2013 ,my brother was electrocuted at the age of 27 . He left behind mom,dad,sister and 2 nephews . We honour his memory and fight for better laws towards students that are out in the workforce in their apprenticeship program. He had a life a head of him . And we honour his memory everyday . We love and miss you dearly Wayne.

Harry Sillaste

My loving husband suffered a heart attack while working as a truck driver. He somehow made sure to pull over to the side of the road so no one else was hurt. He never came home that day .I miss him every moment of my life and will love him forever. God bless us all

Thomas Borden Moorby Jr.

On August 6th, 1996 my dad made his last commute to work and his commute home never happened. Instead his ride that day was in a silent ambulance to the hospital. His final ride was later that week in a hearse. He was electrocuted and killed because a negligent boss didn't have the hydro shut off even knowing he was sending workers up there that day. He left behind a wife and 3 children, I was only 2 years old. He left behind a family. It was my mother's 30th birthday. My dad was only 28 years old... He'd have turned 50 this year. He didn't get to dance with me at my wedding. He never knew his grandchildren. I will be 25 this year. I struggle every day of my life with the fact that my dad is not here with us. We live this nightmare every day, even 22 years later, it never ends. Days like his birthday, day of mourning, and the day he died are especially hard. It's hard to make sense of what happened, and to think about the fact that if one little thing had gone different on that day that he may still be here. To picture what all of our lives would have been like. Now we are children without a father, a wife without a husband, parents without a son, siblings without a brother, and grandchildren without a grandpa. We will live with this forever. This day is to remember those who never made it home. Who made it home but their lives were changed forever. Who's families never got to hold them again. Fly your flags at half mast and take a moment of silence to remember these workers who went to work to make a living and should have made it home. Remember their families. If you can, attend a ceremony in your city. Another way to honour them is to become an organ donor. My fathers organs were destroyed by the electricity but he was able to donate his eyes. Because of him, multiple people got to see again. Remember that you have rights at work. If you feel that a job is unsafe, you have the RIGHT to say no without repercussion. You have the right to walk away from unsafe work. If I can save even one life with my advocacy, then my dad will not have died in vain. Mourn for the dead. Fight for the living. I love you, Dad.

Sean Kells

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Electrocuted on the job December 15th 1979 Lives changed in an instant Hearts broken forever♡ This accident was preventable No family should have to go through this Please make workplaces safe Forever in my heart Dad ♡


A tragic day almost three years ago that is forever etched in our hearts a split second our whole world was turned upside down from a work related fall....Jeremy , only 39 , left behind a loving close family including a wife and three special boys. Dearly missed and pray he is smiling with proudness as he watches over all of us....we pray no other family experiences the loss we feel....

Jeremy Huber

Seems like yesterday we got the news about your fall... we prayed you would pull through.,, it wasn't meant to be. I miss you each and every day and cherish every memory of you. Love watching your boys and seeing your personality in each of them! Gone but never, ever forgotten! Love you always.... xoxo

Ronnie Legage

Its been just over a year that we lost my brother in Law on April 6th 2017 Ronnie Lepage was a veteran operator of heavy equipment and a model and guide for many young workers. So it was especially shocking to family members and colleagues when he was pinned under a dump truck on Vale property in Copper Cliff, dying subsequently in hospital from his injuries. Working around big vehicles and other equipment is something he has done all his life. An accident like that is almost unheard of. He had just come out of heart surgery three weeks ago, but he was the type who likes to work and they probably needed him there. He was also talking about retiring very soon as he wanted to spend time with his grandchildren . Ronnie will never have that chance to spend time with his family and Friends. He is missed everyday and even with all his experience that he had with heavy equipment , it only take a split second. Miss you dearly Linda xoxo

Joey Fancey

April 28, 2018 marks 1.5 years since you were tragically taken from us. I see your your "look and resemblance" in the face of your babies Oliver and Abel. My heart bleeds for "you" and "your family" because you cannot be here to enjoy and raise your little boys. We honor you every opportunity we get. Nothing heals the pain and sadness in my heart. I miss you so much Joey. Always in my heart Aunt Mo

Nathan Turk

To my son Nathan whom we lost in a work accident October 2017 at age 23. We still miss our youngest shining light. You will be always in our hearts. Those who shine the brightest , don't always shine the longest. Love you always son

Robert Sr

Died from a wood chipper guard that fell into the chipper and shot back out.

Tim Hickman

You enjoyed your job. You were good with the public. The explosion that took your life was totally preventable. Our lives are so changed. With our love for you, we share the prevention message to ensure others don't be injured in the workplace. We offer a listening ear to those who need or want. Your legacy lives on in each heart that loves you so much.


My bf the father of our beautiful girls,time has not changed anything I miss you eveyday,our girls talk about you everyday ,I'm not the same person I use to be I miss us ,the inquest went well I'm hoping things change for other construction workers as we found some things that should of been in place were not I'm still very angry that this company brushed you off as a number and was angry when he felt this was a waste of time and needed to go back to work this company should never be allowed to contract out again ,we visit you often and celebrate your birthday but its so different now I often wonder how things would be if you were hear with us gbnf all my love forever


The kindest, sweetest, and most loving person you could meet. Ernest worked on a farm in Teeterville, Ontario, Canada. He was praised by his employer for being smart, knowledgeable and extremely loving and kind. While carrying out a routine trip for a fuel tank on the Tuesday morning of August 15, 2017, something happened, which led him to be pinned down in an irrigation pond by the Tractor that he was driving. It was quite an unfortunate and ironic incident because he was an expert at fixing vehicles, including tractors, he was an expert at driving as well as swimming but on that fateful morning, something went terribly wrong. Nobody is sure of the events that led up to that point when he was found in the pond. The coroner said the cause of death was drowning. Everyday, I (his spouse) think deeply about it and sometimes cry helplessly. His two daughters (ages 11 and 3 at that time) were really saddened. The 3 year old hardly knew him. Often I wish I could know what cause such an accident / incident. Ernest was a loving, good person who tried to help many persons in every way possible. He had God-given talent to fix machines even nobody else could.

Daniel Gilmore

Up out of bed, and on go your socks Hello my love, let me kiss you Good Morning. Off to work, the same as yesterday Hard work for another pay day I smile and go back to sleep knowing you love me and everything is complete But you don't come home today you can't say goodbye you can't complete the rest of our lives They hand me your work boots, a flashlight and pen Heres his belongings We will let you know more, just sit and wait till then You are a person. Eyes, hands, a heart You are not a thing, a robot, a machine. You are meant to go to work and come back again We work our entire lives, in jobs we love or hate Yet the most important things are at home, in the eyes of our family and friends April 28 the International Day for Workers Injured or Killed in the Workplace.


It wasn't a bad day and you didn't pass in vain. Remembering you everyday.

Willian John Buck

Bill Buck was a hard working man who was killed in the Nephton Mines in Ontario He had been on the job for 6 months. on Feb 15th 1954 he went to work and never came home.. My Mom was only 24 years old when she was left to raise a 4 year old daughter and was expecting another child in 3 months.. My Dad was a gentle man and kind His nickname was Bud I am the Daughter he never go to see . My dad loved his family and was taken from us way too soon ..Because of what happened to him a lot of changes were implemented in the mining industry hopefully no one else would go through what my family did Although i never knew him I will always miss him

Dan Gilmore

You went to work and didn't come home, I miss you everyday. xo J


Kevin was taken on Sept,2 2005 at the young age of 18. He had his whole life ahead of him. But it all ended that day . His family and friends miss him dearly and not day go by they wonder the what if's or the should of could of.. Lets all work together and not let this happen to any one else family (or child) . Lets get the awareness out there to help prevent these tragedies from happening . And Make sure that SAFETY is being used and tough on job sites.!!

Bob Auger

It has been 18 years since your death. You were surrounded by love when you left your spirit to comfort us. You lived such a loving and caring life. You would be so proud of your children and grandchildren. We work in your memory to protect others.

David Pinkney

My Wonderful Son, Taken too soon, We think of you everyday...We Love you and Miss you with all our hearts...XXXXOOOO


Just remembering my brother-in-law who died at work in 2007 while trying to save a co-workers life. His hard work and dedication reminds us all why we work and want to go home every night to our families. May he rest in peace. Love Brenda Lee


This tribute is for my Dad; You are missed dearly by your family and those you knew you! We continue to cherish our memories and hope that one day there will be a cure for Mesothelioma as more than 120 thousand people around the globe have been exposed to asbestos in the workplace.

Gordon Tappin

My brother Gord was taken from us August 26, 2017, just weeks before his 51st birthday. He was working with a pressure hose that got away from him and punctured his neck. He will be deeply missed by his family and friends. I hope this accident will set a precident so that it never happens again.

Norman Rodger Baker

In memory of my Dad, who passed away December 3, 1967. The day that forever changed our lives. Love you Dad. Donna XOME


Not a day. Goes by that i dont think about you . I love you justin My handsome son

Thomas Borden Moorby Jr aka Tommy

Aug 6, 1996, he left work as he did on a daily basis. It was me his wife's 30th birthday. I"m sure he left planning some surprise for me that day. But, he never came home to me. He went up onto a roof, unaware I am sure that the the power had not been shut off to the house. It was lunch time approximately, maybe he was getting off the roof to come down and call me see how my day was going. I'll NEVER know because he died that day, due to unsafe working conditions. I was left with 2 young children, his beautiful daughters, his legacy to carry on in this harsh cruel world. He was a husband, father, brother, son and best friend. He was a hard worker, a family man and a giver. The world is a lesser place without our Tommy and all due to something that was completely preventable.


I was only 8 years old when my best friend died from working as a linesman on the job. Together we built snowmans, went skiing, learned how to tip over a canoe (and turk back up) in a pool.. we did everything best friends did together. He was more than my father, he was my everything and unfortunately, he went away (as per Frozen song lyrics) due to a worplace accident. 29 years followed until I realized the significant impact this had on me (the unresolved complicated grief I carried, unknowingly).. that little girl who would never be able to say "I love you daddy" again. He was an amazing person and I found out years later the impact his life had on others: how his colleagues implemented a safety discussion prior to every work day or that a golf tournament was created in his name for 10 years afterwards (which was a heartwarming surprise). I need to believe his accident was meant to save others from such perils and my heart goes out to all who have lost a loved one through a worplace accident.


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My father...Mi papito Hugo

February 24 ,2006 a day when we will never forget. We lost a newly grampa, husband, a lovely papito, son, brother and a great Friend. No words represent the sadness of lost a great man. My father who gave all to his family and job...until his own life. For all those who lost someone in the worplace my heart is with you. They are in my prayers everyday.

My son

He was 24 years old and working 60+ hours a week as a welder. Working nights during the winter was very hard on him. I do know that his mental health was negatively impacted by seasonal affective disorder, wearing a mask for too many hours a day, and by being bullied in the workplace. He died by suicide. Because of that I volunteer for a health promotion program that is an OHS initiative. It is called Tough Enough to Talk About It developed by the Suicide Prevention Resource Center, Grande Prairie ( Alberta).

This one goes to my dad, my bestfriend, my role model, my hero; Dal Singh. July 30, 2015 will by far remain the worst day of my life, the day we received the most heartbreaking call ever; its a nightmare I'll never ever forget. My dad has always been the most loving person I have ever met and I hope one day I can be a fraction the person he is. Everyday I wake up and pray that one day we'll have a conversation again; hear him say that he loves me & that he's proud of me. Anything. I miss the comforting sound of his voice, his silly laugh, the warm hugs. I miss our life before the accident. I miss you so much dad. I promise you, I promise myself. You'll always have 3 children & a wife who will take care of you and do anything possible to see you better. You are & have always been the life of our family, the person who has always kept us together. We love you dad.

Allen Blake

On August 20, 2015, I went to work with my husband for his landscaping company. He smiled at me as I was leaving the City of Ottawa yard to start the day. That afternoon I got the call that he had been hit by an out of control SUV while trimming grass on the 174 by the Montreal Rd. exit. I didn't know he was killed until I got to the hospital. My life and the lives of my children changed forever. I will never forget that horrible day. Your friends and family miss you dearly!

Nick Bos July 9, 1983

My brother Nick died while working at Maple Lodge Farm Norval Ont. while helping his buddies finish their job so they could all leave together. Our lives changed that day! We miss you soooo much Nick. love from all your siblings.


To my brother, you died a hero and lost your life doing what he loved driving truck. we miss you everyday.

Tim Laur

Not a day goes by that we are not reminded of the accident. To see the pain and suffering you face every day is heart breaking but your spirit has been a true inspiration. I am truly grateful that we did not lose you that day. Thankful that I still get to share time with you dad. To all the families who have been affected but an accident, illness or death we remember and pray for you everyday

To my father Lawrence David Lingard who passed away in November 17, 2009 from Mesothelioma. A horrible painful disease that took you from Merle and all of us. You are missed.

Wendell Culley

Wendell - my much-loved husband who passed away recently from mesothelioma cancer, caused by exposure to asbestos in the workplace. Remembered with love by Scott/Suzanne, Larissa, Aidan, Kieran, and Chloe.


There is not a day goes by that you are not missed and loved by your son and me. It has been 32 years since that tragic day and the pain of our loss is still in our hearts and minds.


The memories of you hugging me tight, Are washed away in ocean tide. Now you only come in my dreams,I see your face as light as cream. The eyes, lips and height of yours, Remind people I'm yours. I miss your loving smile,Which is now only in your picture closed file. The bright sun light danced and shattered over my face,Remembering our togetherness that once took place. Family turns into tales of the past left with a vague promises of the future neither strong enough to recover what was lost. The goodness he has blessed me with, The strength he's given me to survive, The knowledge he has kindly shared, Through the way he's lived his life. Love you Dad (L)

David Bootland

Remembering David Bootland.

God bless them all !

Uncle Ross

Remembering a fun-loving uncle who drove a big rig on short haul trips. He was lost through the careless, over-tired driving of another. My uncle jack-knifed his rig so this other driver wouldn't be crushed when he veered in front of him. Please be safe for yourself and those around you. This loss left a crater in his partner's life still to this day.


Rest in peace. Wish happiness with you all the time in Heaven. Buddha bless you.


For my friend Wendell who lost his battle with cancer this year after being exposed to asbestos while working as an electrician.

My father Pete Caspersen, April 28th 1990. Thank you for inspiring me to work hard to make a difference. Erika

My father Pete Caspersen, April 28th 1990. Thank you for inspiring me to work hard to make a difference the best I can. Erika

Joe Fancey

You will always be remembered! Can't forget the great ones!

Alcides Moyano

To my father, who taught me everything I needed to know in my life. He was more than just my dad but my best friend. He left us too early at the age of 62 when the cherry picker malfunctioned and he fell. He worked hard everyday for his family, the memories of him will always be there and he will be dearly missed.


To my dear father Gojko, a Serbian immigrant to Canada who worked hard to raise a family along with his wife Stana and create a good start for his two boys. We thought he was safe at work - what could be safer than working in a high school? - but the school basement was full of loose asbestos insulation that the custodial staff breathed 12 months a year. He died after six painful months of battling mesothelioma. After he was laid to rest, we raised hell about this deadly material that Canada proudly - PROUDLY - exported all over the world. They said Canadian asbestos was safe. They lied to all of us. Rest in peace, dear father.


A cherished son and brother who was killed January 2008. He was in the bunk of the tractor trailer truck while his partner who was driving went off the road in Kenora, Ontario. When our loved ones go to work each day we assume they'll come back home to us at the end of their day. However from all the tributes here we see that that is not always the case. So make sure your last words are always kind otherwise you may live to regret them. Carolyn Cote


This is my Grandfather, although not specifically a Canadian incident. I would like pay a small tribute to a man I never met. Born in the late 1800's , Served in the Royal Field Artillery in the Great War, Loos, the Somme etc. then worked in the coal mines of South Wales for 30 years including through the Second World War. He was killed underground 2 days before he was due to retire at 65 in 1949. We only have a few photos and his living memory died when my mum passed 5 years ago. "Your tools are on the bar"


June 21, 1983 - It was the first day of summer. I had just finished writing my last grade 10 exam. I was sitting in the kitchen when my mom came home early from work to get her suitcase for an out-of-town business conference. She worked in the co-op placement office at Lambton College. She put her suitcase in the trunk and kissed me good-bye, saying "be good for your dad". Those were her last words to me. Her life (as well as her two colleagues) was taken a few hours later on the 401 just outside of Woodstock. There are no words to describe what it felt like to lose my mother that day. I survived without her and have spent my life living it the best way I know how, and when I get to experience a joyful moment (like my daughter get married and becoming a mother, or my son starting up his own business ) it is with a bittersweet feeling knowing that my mom missed out on so many joyful moments. I try to live every day in a manner that make her proud...trying to be the best person I can be...just like she did. Thinking of you on this "Day of Mourning", and always xoxo


测速网站_测速网站最新资讯:2 天前 · 国内网站测速对比 - 站长工具 国内网站速度检测的首选,遍及国内各省几十个网站速度检测点,包括BGP双线、多线、电信、网通、联通、移动、长城宽带等线路,即时测试网站在全国各地的打开速度。

Jeremy Huber

To a cherished son who was taken from his family too soon due to a job related accident, Aug. 2015. We hold dear the loving memories of the 39 special years we shared. Your legacy lives on in your three boys as we can see a little of you in them as their personalities grow and develop. Miss YOU daily, Remember YOU always, LOVE YOU FOREVER. xo

The people at WSIB

It inspires me that people care and wish to promote safety in the work place. I thank you all for this from the bottom of my heart!!!!

Stephen Randall

No death is easy but when a life is taken due to work place negligence it is the most devastating. My brother suffered a horrible work place death and is soooo missed. Not a day goes by that we don't think of him. I came to your rescue so many times but this was one time I was helpless. Love you always and forever Stephen.

Stephen Randall

For my Big Brother. Not a day goes by that I don't think of you. You deserved so much more in life. A life that was cut short because of an unsafe work place. 44 was too young to leave this world. You will forever live on in my heart. I miss you big brother. xoxo

To all who lost theuir lives

The moment you left the house, you never imagined it would be your last, but I remember all that have lost their lives, rest in peace till the lord comes.


如何加速访问国外服务器? -「云杰通信」:今天 · 企业用户在与海外企业对接时,访问海外服务器遇到了十分严重的问题。对于大部分之前一直访问国内服务器,甚至是没国外服务器的用户。在访问国外服务器的时候总会有很多的顾虑,不知道哪种国外服务器访问专线更稳定,能达到自身产品运行所需要的实际服务器环境。

Allan Toivonen

You were an amazing husband, loving father and devoted brother. You worked so hard at making sure everyone's needs were well looked after; and that everyone was happy. You taught us all to always give the best of ourselves...and to care deeply for those around us. Your silly sense of humour (laughing at your own jokes) still brings smiles to our hearts whenever we think of you or speak your name. You are not gone...we feel your presence forever beside we walk this journey...trying to see life from your ever positive perspective. Love forever; Loon...Little Fox


Rest in peace

My Husband

My tribute is dedicated to my husband, who while working (framing a home) fell of a roof of 33' h that left him paralyzed for life. My daughter (10 months old at the time) won't ever play soccer with him but at least she still has her daddy around. My heart goes out for everyone killed or injured while working. Not only the individual but the whole family's life is changed forever.

Bruce Arnio

如何加速访问国外服务器? -「云杰通信」:今天 · 企业用户在与海外企业对接时,访问海外服务器遇到了十分严重的问题。对于大部分之前一直访问国内服务器,甚至是没国外服务器的用户。在访问国外服务器的时候总会有很多的顾虑,不知道哪种国外服务器访问专线更稳定,能达到自身产品运行所需要的实际服务器环境。

To my friend Barry, who has just recently lost his battle with lung cancer. ..Although our paths have not crossed lately you were in my thoughts often and you will be missed. Breathe easy my friend,,,respectfully yours George


加速访问国外网站 - zoucaitou - 博客园:2021-12-29 · 类似的,有许多网站用到了google字体库(中的字体,同样也会导致网页加载很慢。 我的解决方法简单粗暴,修改hosts文件,把 指到 127.0. 0.1。直接使字体加载失败,损失一些美观度,节约等待时间。


This is for my husband Jamie. He suffered a brain injury 4 years ago when he was struck in the head at work. With each passing year its gets harder and harder for my children to remember their dad from before the accident. We no longer get to do all the fun things normal families get to do like go to water parks, amusement parks or anywhere its bright or too loud. He struggles every day with memory, confusion and pain issues that often leave my children in the role of parent. Years of therapy, doctor's appointments, never ending new medications and financial worries take a toll on everyone in the family. All we want is to start feeling like we can move forward and know that the rug is not going to pulled out from under us again. I try to not get upset that WSIB just made our life harder than it already was. My heart goes out to everyone who has been injured or lost a loved one. Whenever I get down about our life I remember I could have lost him that day.

Justin mattix

My son justin was On April. 11.2011 Not goes by that i don't think about him he will be missed by a lot of people. Gone.too soon but not forgotten Love mom

Earl Broughton

My father lost his life over 8 years ago after a long battle with scleroderma from exposure to silica dust in the work place. He is very missed by all. I love you dad, sara

Darcy Graham Cromwell

如何加速访问国外服务器? -「云杰通信」:今天 · 企业用户在与海外企业对接时,访问海外服务器遇到了十分严重的问题。对于大部分之前一直访问国内服务器,甚至是没国外服务器的用户。在访问国外服务器的时候总会有很多的顾虑,不知道哪种国外服务器访问专线更稳定,能达到自身产品运行所需要的实际服务器环境。

Matthew Cuthill

帽子加速器官方版下载_帽子加速器官方免费版 - Win7旗舰版:2021-5-9 · 帽子加速器官方免费版是一款功能强大的网络加速软件,该软件是针对国外的网络连接的,如国外的网站,国外的电子邮件的发送与接受,还有的国外的社交聊天的平台,在国内的打开国外的网络,很慢要加在半天,该工具能够提高加速国外网络的访问速度。

Neil Colquhoun

We miss you everyday Dad!

My Sweet Nephew Joey Fancey

Joey - my heart is still and will always be broken when I think of you and that dreadful phone call. I was parked in my car in a parking lot and I drive by that parking lot almost every day and you come to mind and the rush of sadness is so overwhelming that I need to try to avert it. When I was helping your wife with some chores in those first few days and I picked up your work pants to throw in the wash all I could think of was how you were such an amazing worker and provider who probably enjoyed putting on those work pants and going to a job you loved doing because of the people you worked with who all enjoyed you as much as we all did. I also thought that you would have been so proud to be "that man". . .who loved his family and lived for them and going to work was something you did to provide the best you could for them and how you loved being that person. Those work pants were such a solid piece of you and who you were, the best employee anyone could hope to have on staff and the best provider for your family. Your friend all looked up to you and it was easy to see why. You were such a positive influence on everyone around you and it breaks my heart to know that your boys will never see the kind of person Joey Fancey was but I am sure will be reminded often by those who loved you. The statement I heard repeated by so many was "Joey was such a conscious worker who took safety to the next level". This was obvious when your son Abel talked about the things his Daddy taught him and I am sure many others. Rest in Peace my sweet nephew and you are forever in my heart. I love you Joey. Aunt Caroline

For my dad Gordon Dey

It has been 14 years this May when we lost you to a work place accident. You are greatly missed by your wife, children and grand-children. Love you Dad....Michelle xxoo

TTC and Public Transportation Workers

The most stressful workplace within large urban centers. Let's appreciate their presence in making our daily commute safe, and remember those individuals that had risked their lives.


Our dear Carlos 41 years old, lost his life at work October 8, 2001. Step dad, step grandpa and spouse. Still miss you everyday.

Adam Keunen

To an amazing young man I never had the chance to meet. He's on my mind every single day as I learn more about his life and the kind, hard working, loving person he was. All of my love and respect goes out to the Keunen family.

Win8电脑如何打开国外网站?免费下载 - 快下载:2021-8-19 · Win8电脑如何打开国外网站?.doc 由 waiyou8vpn 上传于 2021-08-19 09:15:45 文件大小 3.49MB。163免费网盘只提供下载,版权属于原作者,如有侵权请联系我网站及时删除。

Since that horrible day Oct 28/2016 and getting the phone call no mom ever wants to get.....Life has and will be forever changed without you with us....There's not a day goes by that I don't think about you or look at your picture ...I don't know if my tears will ever stop....Or if my heart will ever stop hurting knowing I can never talk to you or see you and your big beautiful smile....I sent you a message that morning and I still sometimes look to see if you will maybe somehow answer....Joey you were the greatest son a mom could ask for...A happy go lucky individual that had the charisma that attracted everyone to you...Your charm and wit entertaining to all....You were a great protector and provider with the strength of hurcules...You left forever the most impressionable impact in many peoples lives....the wonderful stories your friends and co workers told me...You left us far too soon ....My heart is forever broken... I miss you so much Love Mom Xoxoxoxoxo

Jim Hagerman

We will always have our memories. Love you, Amber and Tory


Still sadly missed, and we are still devastated 13 yrs later. I hope Scott is with you, we are now doubly broken hearted.

Chris Zoidis

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Darcy Cromwell

At 42 you lost your battle to cancer. I miss you everyday and I pray that one day no one else loses their life because of a job. I love you dad.

Matt Rutherford and Joey Fancey

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Joseph Cote

For my dad who died in the mines and left behind his wife 5 kids and his family. Such a big loss ! We miss you so much everyday! Love you ..till we reunite again xo


It may be 6 months later, but the tears still flow and my heart still aches for your family. Your fairytale came to a tragic end that day with no rhyme or reason. May your boys and wife always remember what a fantastic guy you were and hold on to their precious memories forever in their hearts.

Calvin Burton

October 26, 2006 will forever remain a vivid recollection of the loss of a best friend, son and overall exceptional man. Calvin was always there for any one of his friends; leaving his footprint on their hearts. He was on the job w his best friend (my ex) and was hoisting up a piece of eavetrough that was far longer than it should have been. The peice buckled and the end struck a live wire nearby and ultimately changed everything forever. I know I could have lost my bf as well at the time, however Calvin was the most selfless being that I know he sacrificed himself for his best friend's. He was not involved, had no kids was just a free spirited guy who everyone referred to as "newf". This horrific accident only took one life that day...but destroyed so many as well. Senseless death is never easy to comprehend, being a widow myself at the age of 33 I know full well the devestation that ensues. Love and light to everyone. Xo


I never even knew this day existed and now it is a huge day in our families lives. Also happens to be 6 months to the day since you left for work and never came home. To say I miss you would never be enough. My whole heart and self aches for you every single second of every single day. It sickens me to know our boys won't know there amazing dad. I will keep your memory alive but I shouldn't have to. Nobody should get killed at work. I love you forever and ever. I will never understand why this happened to the most beautiful human I have ever known.


Jake was an amazing man. always there for his friends and family. as soon as they needed him he would drop what he was doing and be there in an instant. a very kind caring man who was loved by many. Jake met an unfortunate fate when he was electrocuted in a workplace accident. The whole town was devastated that such an amazing young man, aged 24, could be taken soo soon in such a horrible way. on this day i light a candle for you and remember all the good times we had, all the memories we made, all the times you were there. Jake you are missed so much and i am soo sorry you had to go the way you did. but you're now looking over everyone of us, here with us in spirit. and i thank you for being in our lives. <3


This is for my dad, who ironically would have celebrated his 66th birthday on April 28th of this year, however he succumbed to Lung Cancer in August of 2016 caused by asbestos from working on construction jobs for 40 years.

My Dad

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R.I.P Uncle Frank we miss much! All our love.


Jake was an amazing, honourable guy. He was always putting others before himself, and always tried his hardest to make people smile. Everytime I saw Jake he was telling a story about something crazy he did that week, or how he had to fix something on his truck. He always managed to light up every room he entered. After Jake passed many stories came out about how he always went out of his way to help anyone in need of a helping hand, or how great a friend he was, always listening and offering support. And I can't express how wonderful it was to have those stories to help us get through that painful time. Jake truly was an amazing guy, and I am so proud that I can call him my big brother. I miss you more and more each day. Love you big brother. ????


My world, my hero, my best friend, and my inspiration. Although I was so young and don't remember you at all, I love you more than anything in the entire world. The day you left was the day my life changed forever. From what i know, I want to be exactly like you. You were a kind, loving, inspiration to many people who love you so much. I want you to know how much you mean to me. I want you to know that even though you ante not physically with me you are with me every breath I breath. I also want you to know this, you are and always will be and amazing father, husband, son, brother, and friend. The day you left was not the day you stopped being with me. It was the day I learned to love you so much, enough to know you are always with me no matter what. I am so proud and honoured to be your daughter. You have changed the way I see life, and for that u thank you. I love you and miss you with all my heart.


I'n memory of Carlo who died at work on May 4th, 2001. He went to work and never returned home. He is missed by his wife Maria his children Ilena and Edward and his grandchildren, Madelyne, Jenna and Liam. He will always be loved and he will forever be in our hearts.




My father was such a hard work


电脑怎么浏览国外网站:2021-6-13 · 在国内正确使用的笔记本电脑拿到国外,如何打开国外的网站.我现在用的是360 ... 先不买,免费用用先,好的再买.包年的话会比包月划算好多,电脑,手机IPHONE,上Facebook,推特等国外网站或者国外游戏服务器加速都可众了上.当然免费的也可众 用到手机上 ...


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Michael Visser

March 8 2013 was a cool crisp Friday and I was looking forward to spending the weekend with my wife planning our upcoming road trip for my 30th birthday. I was working on the last concrete pour of the day at a construction site in downtown Hamilton. We were pouring concrete off of scaffolding into a 10 foot high Sono tube, and when the pour was finished I proceeded to climb down the ladder of the scaffold. As I climbed down the ladder I suddenly felt a stabbing pain in my left side, the pain was so intense that out of shock I let go of the scaffold. The weight of my body continued to push me down on to a piece of rebar that was sticking out of the ground 5 feet. I was impaled on rebar, and the piece of rebar traveled 13 inches starting from my left buttock and stopped in my lower back. I somehow managed to lunge forward and grab the scaffold, I pulled myself off of the rebar and slid down the rest of the ladder. I remember lying face down in the cold mud thinking to myself, "Is this it Lord!? Is this your great and awesome plan for my life?" I was furious, embarrassed and couldn't except this as a part of God's plan for me. When the fire department and ambulance showed up I remember apologizing (typical Canadian EH) and laughing at the guys struggling to pick my 6'6", 250 lb body off the muddy ground. The ride to the hospital felt like the longest ride of my life, in that moment I prayed like I have never prayed before in my life. I pleaded with the Lord to spare my life to give me another chance. When arriving at the general they rushed me in to my first of many X-rays, Cat scans and MRIs. The next 8 days at the hospital were filled with doubt, confusion, and the fear of the unknown. Doctors were amazed that the rebar hadn't killed me or paralyzed me, test after test clearly showed that if the bar had shifted 1 millimetre from its original path it would of paralyzed me or killed me. I now live with chronic pain and suffer from severe nerve damage. WSIB has been fighting me every step of the way. The stress of this alone could drive someone to the edge but by the Grace of God he has given me patience grace and love. Some would say luck and science saved my life while I firmly believe only by the grace of God that was I saved. Since the accident, I have given my heart to the Lord and was baptized March 8 2014. God Bless and I will be praying for all of you!

Thinking of you Wayne Rafuse


You are missed. Every day, you are missed. I see you in your boys. We all help them remember you.


The world stopped on May 9, 2006. The day before Mother's Day, when my parents John and Rosalia D'Alimonte received the news that their only son Rocco age 44 was killed at work by something that could have been avoided. The Company's son-in-law who recklessly backed up an asphalt truck without having a flag man, or proper working back up beepers backed over my brother who was walking away from the truck he just parked. The driver of this truck was backing up so fast that there were skid marks on the asphalt before the truck ran over my brother. Parents should never need to bury their children. Everyday we miss our brother Rocco, we are a family of Nine. Eight girls and One boy. This tragedy has changed our family forever. Always in our mind and forever in our hearts, we love you and we will see you again...Ada, Sylvia, Rita, Rina, Diane, Linda, Rosanna, Laura.


For D-Jay Bartlett who died December 1st, 2014 along a stretch of hwy. 401 referred to as the Highway of Hero's while driving his gravel truck. We miss you deeply and think of you each day, we remember how blessed we were to get 32 wonderful years with such an amazing person. What though the radiance which was once so bright Be now for ever taken from my sight, Though nothing can bring back the hour Of splendour in the grass, of glory in the flower; We will grieve not, rather find Strength in what remains behind; -William Wordsworth

Brian Furtado

For my dear friend, a childhood friend that died 4 years ago in a construction accident. Taken much too soon. I pray for your fiance, I pray for your young children. We miss you!

Antonio Manuel Da Silva

电脑怎么浏览国外网站:2021-6-13 · 在国内正确使用的笔记本电脑拿到国外,如何打开国外的网站.我现在用的是360 ... 先不买,免费用用先,好的再买.包年的话会比包月划算好多,电脑,手机IPHONE,上Facebook,推特等国外网站或者国外游戏服务器加速都可众了上.当然免费的也可众 用到手机上 ...

Bill Badgley

In November 1963 my mother came home from school to a living room full of neighbours - all surrounding her mother. Her father was just electrocuted along with a co-worker at the Fittings Factory in Oshawa, ON. My grandmother - who had lived through the depression and World War II, was now faced with her greatest challenge - raising 4 young children on her own. Today I pay tribute to my grandfather - who accepted the offer to stay at work late and died on the job. But I also pay tribute to those left behind - like my grandmother - who carried on in the face of great adversity. Forced to work and lovingly raise my mum and three uncles. All without assistance from the company or government.* *Some 30 years after the accident, after advice from a friend, my grandmother was able to receive some retro-active payment from the Province for which she was grateful for.

Gabriel Paduano

To my little brother, I will never forget that day of your passing. Loosing you has taken a piece of my heart. I miss you so much little brother. God speed, We love you forever your Family

The only workers who make it to the public demonstration today, are those affiliated with WSIB claims. My father and brother were contract workers , my family members never claimed WSIB - fatalities don't get public awareness it's not the WSIB richest governing body of OHS, i worked in field and would love to put my face behind the facts! Ministry of Labor was the only good part of OHSA Regs. All the rest are puppets on WSIB strings.

To my loving father Frank Juhasz and brother Gavin Juhasz, on October 23, 2002 , loosing both father and son in steam tank explosion. Our 2 family members perished in a CONSTRUCTION CONFINED SPACE at a downtown Toronto Energy Plant We miss you every day in every way and honor your legacy in our way. Double fatality in confined space construction sector still matters when not a WSIB contributor. Sharon - the face behind workplace fatality

Ben Mulder

帽子加速器软件官方下载 帽子加速器V1.0.0.4免费下载 安卓 ...:2021-12-12 · 帽子加速器是一款功能强大的网络加速软件,该软件是针对国外的网络连接的,如国外的网站,国外的电子邮件的发送与接受,还有的国外的社交聊天的平台,我伔知道,在国内的打开国外的网络,很慢要加在半天,该工具能够提高加速国外网络的访问速度。

Khristian Marlon Barayuga (KMB)

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速游加速器怎么对网站加速|对网站加速的操作方法-系统族下载站:2021-4-17 · 速游加速器是一款有着千万用户使用的游戏加速器,支持2021余款国内游戏加速众及台服、欧服众及美服等网游。当然该软件也可众对网络进行加速,比如网站,但是很多小伙伴不知道怎么操作,接下来就跟着小编一起来学习一下吧。

All workers injured or departed.

You will always be a part of us youare gone but not forgoten RIP. Amen


I learned of your story through your children and your wife. I think of you often, even though I never met you. I think how difficult it has been for your wife to raise your children alone. She has done a great job and you would be proud.


腾讯加速器会员版 - 陌路人博客:2021-6-15 · 【软件说明】:腾讯专业免费手游加速器,稳定游戏网络,支持国内外.上千款游戏。下载立领限时免费VIP 免费加速全球海内外游戏 1、支持上千款手游加速,覆盖国内90%已上线手游,、和平精英、QQ飞车等,保障网络稳定不掉线;覆盖国外热门游戏 ...


Here's to a beautiful, young, vibrant human being that was only 19 on November 18, 1994 when he died in the most horrific and tragic way in the workplace. Not a day goes by you're in my thoughts forever. RIP


Keith, Thinking of you on this day down on earth and wishing we could go back to that time when everything was the same as before. Can't believe how time has flown.. we are all adults now that I know you would be proud of, and you have two amazing grandchildren now who would be very happy to call you their g-pa! I am sure you continue to watch over us everyday. We love you and will never forget you Keith! xoxo Becca Holt

Paul Joseph Ranger

Paul died as a result of an explosion due to a mining accident on October 26, 1976. Although that was many years ago he is still loved andremembered. He died far too young. Love Kathy and family

Our Dad

Our Dad Joseph, your legacy of love, kindness and gentleness lives on in y(our) family and all those whose liv(es) you have touched. .. always in our hearts...and missed every single day <3


如何加速访问国外服务器? -「云杰通信」:今天 · 企业用户在与海外企业对接时,访问海外服务器遇到了十分严重的问题。对于大部分之前一直访问国内服务器,甚至是没国外服务器的用户。在访问国外服务器的时候总会有很多的顾虑,不知道哪种国外服务器访问专线更稳定,能达到自身产品运行所需要的实际服务器环境。

Paul Ranger As a family, you are always remembered and forever missed.


To my husband, this accident haunts me everyday. You are the strongest person I know. The physical and emotional scars may never completely heal but I am so thankful you are still with us. Remembering all of the men and women who have lost their lives going to work just trying to support themselves and their families. You are real heroes. ??

My heart goes out to ANYONE who has lost their life at work and to their loved ones they had left behind.


Missed dearly by your co-workers. Rest in peace.

Gordon Dey

Remembering my father who died tragically in a workplace accident on May 26, 2003. There is not a day that goes by we do not think of you and miss your quiet presence in our lives. I love you and miss you Daddy. Michelle

Dan Hayes

For my awesome buddy Gabriel, and for Kristina. I feel like I know Dan because of how much Gabe looks like him. <3 xoxo love you both

Jake Gordon

I'll see you on the flip side my love! I miss you and I love you every single day! You are always going to be in my heart!


Please remember those who today are at work in unhealthy environments dying slowly,and even they do not know or can stop work, since those who are dead,they are already in the safeties place any human can be.


Never does a day go by that you are not remembered. Yes, the Herb Gray Parkway in Windsor was built but it cost you your life. You will always be missed by your parents, your sisters, your brother, aunts and uncles, cousins and many, many friends and colleagues at work R.I.P.

Earl Herod

EXFLUX - Windows [推荐使用] - Docs - EXFLUX:由于某些原因,软件提供的测速信息不一定准确,请自行尝试可用性。 加速模式介绍 智能伕理:只加速国外网站,国内 网站不通过伕理访问 全局伕理:所有网站通过伕理访问 使用教程 - 众前 Windows客户端教程 下一个 Clash for Windows 最近更新 1 month ago ...

Aleksandar Scapec

Husband, Father,Son , Brother and Friend On Dec.02.2005 we lost one of the best person in this world. We will miss you and love you as long as we live. Rip


Never forgotten. We miss you every day.. Loved always and forever.. Sheri, Steven, Abbi. and Mitchell..

In Memory of Richard Long

电脑怎么浏览国外网站:2021-6-13 · 在国内正确使用的笔记本电脑拿到国外,如何打开国外的网站.我现在用的是360 ... 先不买,免费用用先,好的再买.包年的话会比包月划算好多,电脑,手机IPHONE,上Facebook,推特等国外网站或者国外游戏服务器加速都可众了上.当然免费的也可众 用到手机上 ...


Daddy you left one night so many years ago to go to work. You were the most loving wonderful happy person in the world. The next afternoon was the worst day of our life on October 5, 1970 the most wonderful father husband son brother uncle and friend was killed in a car accident leaving 3 daughter a 31 year old wife and many many broken hearts. I was the eldest of three girls nine year old that had to grow up very quickly I miss my father every day I miss him still. He was a wonderful man and I know this because all the wonderful things that people tell me. I love you daddy and miss you with all my heart I know you are watching over me. Your loving Daughter Angela




Hope everything is ok in the heaven, enjoy your vacation there!!!!


A poem in memory of all those who have passed Author: Unknown I'd like the memory of me to be a happy one. I'd like to leave an afterglow of smiles when life is done. I'd like to leave an echo whispering softly down the ways, Of happy times and laughing times and bright and sunny days. I'd like the tears of those who grieve, to dry before the sun of happy memories that I leave when life is done.

Frank Cote

For my loving brother who was taken from us in a truck driving accident in Ontario, January 2008. He put his life in his partner's hands and paid the biggest price. Mom, dad and I miss you very much. A day doesn't go by that we don't think of you and wish you were here big brother.

Tim Hickman (20 years old)

Twenty years ago, Tim went to work at his part-time job and died 8 days after his 21st birthday. Tim - many changes have happened to support family members particularly since your death. The community remembers your tragic death. Our family remembers each day. Yesterday with the 4 leaf clovers, your nieces found. They excitedly brought them into the house to share - just as you did so many years ago. They knew you were the one to find the 4 leaf clovers - through the stories we share with them. We all love and miss you each and every day!


帽子加速器官方版下载_帽子加速器官方免费版 - Win7旗舰版:2021-5-9 · 帽子加速器官方免费版是一款功能强大的网络加速软件,该软件是针对国外的网络连接的,如国外的网站,国外的电子邮件的发送与接受,还有的国外的社交聊天的平台,在国内的打开国外的网络,很慢要加在半天,该工具能够提高加速国外网络的访问速度。

Luigino "Lou" Minicucci

My beloved husband who was taken away from us, on June 15, 2013.

All workers...

The common Citizen that buy a house, doesn't have an idea of the lives lost every year, just to make their dream come true! For all those that die building this Canada, the Nation we have today... My respect!!!

Roy McLaren

NO '1' More Time. Average 49 yr. old rural dust farmer from Northern Ontario, 8 Children 7 boys and 1 girl. Winter was for trapping animals for their fur. Summer was haying and gardening. Fall was guiding hunters from Southern Ontario to parts of the mid-west of the USA. But before the Hunt and after haying there was NO time for resting, firewood did not cut and split itself. Firewood had to be gathered to warm the children in the 100 yr. old house they called home. None of these occupations have ever been referred to as 'Safe' or 'Big Money Makers' But this man we will call Roy did them all safely and willingly. The Right tool for the right job he would always say - as long as he could find them and the 9yr old twins and 10 year old had not decided to play farmer in the manure pile then left them there. 9 year old twins and a 10 year old (14 months apart), they were known as the little ones. You could ask the 'little ones' what do you want to do when you grow up? Without hesitation 'A Farmer and a Trapper of course, they sure loved there father. 1980, no running water in the house, that means no toilet except a pail with a toilet seat by the woodshed door. A double holed outhouse half way to the barn . . . . . . . 2 holed - think about it and don't ask. Ok let's see if we have this right - 7 boys, 1 Girl 100 year old farm house 3 different jobs in a year (not counting prep for each) 1 outhouse with 2 holes 2 dogs, 1 cat Must seem archaic to most these days but back then this family was known as the ones who would help anyone in need FIRST, give there all, ya know. Happy - Always. Always a wave from Roy if you were driving by and he was out front, circled by his body guards 'the little ones'. At John's General Store in the next township Roy's money was 'No Good' for ice cream with the little ones, something about a debt that John was still trying to pay back to Roy. Drove your truck in the ditch, most that this happened to , they would walk past 3 farm houses to ask Roy for help. They knew he would. Roy would never tell a soul how to live his/her life. If you asked for advice he would not give it to you, he would teach it to you. It is crazy for a man with a grade 3 education but a doctorate in LIFE. One of his best/closest friends was the editor/wilderness writer of a newspaper in the next town. Roy was not a 'I need this/that kind of man'. Roy was content to work till the work was done then tea with his wife and watch the children play. They say he loved all his kids with his whole heart but the 'little ones' were something special to him that no one could explain. One of Roy's favorite things to do was sneaking up behind his Wife Eva while she was peeling potatoes for the family dinner. Family was all Roy wanted and he got lots of it. OK now that you have a little background here we go. Sept 22 1980 Eva Peels potatoes while watching the little ones build sand castles, play cowboys and Indians and fight then make up all the while wondering how Roy is doing, he wasn't feeling well today after being sick for a couple days. Roy was at a friends cutting firewood. Cut for the man who owned the land so Roy would get his cut for free. Imagine getting free heating just by spending a week or so in the bush. His oldest son was helping out as much as he could but today he could not go, he got a overtime shift at the mill. Roy still headed out, work till the work . was done, right. He knew his limitations, had his own pace, did everything safely. Plus, there was always time for a cup of coffee on a stump listening to the animals clump, scratch, chirp, sniff and rustle about. Maybe Roy loved these sounds so much because those were pretty much the same sounds made by the little ones when it was time for bed. Evening came - no Roy. Eva was worried, Mothers Intuition, a wife's Love, or a Gut Feeling, call it what you will. She picked up the party line phone to call a neighbor down the road to check on Roy. Young Danny on the other end said of course Eva, Rural Canada Eh - Good kids. Eva did not drive plus it gave young Danny a reason to leave his farm in his '62 Camaro he was rebuilding. The little ones heard Danny's car start up, kick rocks, and slide the corner. The Little ones heard there Mom talking so they knew where Danny was going, Dad would be home soon, he will play farmer, maybe cowboy and Indians but never leave the front step and his tea, one more time. Time went by as usual... Phone rang silence, then a scream that scared the little ones so bad that goose bumps ran along their arms - scream was followed by Danny's '62 Camaro clear the crest about half a mile down the dirt road. The sound the car made was nothing they had ever heard. Before they could get to the bottom of the sand hill Danny was sliding sideways in the driveway. Eva came running from the house with one stride she cleared the whole step. Which must have been had had as she had Polio. Danny throwing the car door open before the Camaro came to a stop, one of the other sons, 16 years old, got to the car before Eva. Thank god. As she saw Danny's eyes she already knew. The 16 year old boy caught her before she hit the ground. That Scream again welded the little ones feet to the dirt. Their Mom shouted at them to stop fighting or something they had been asked 10 times to stop but it never, ever, ever sounded like that. Danny kneeling at Eva, the 18 year old Danny's voice seemed lower than usual. Eva was clutching his arm but soon enough their voices were drowned out by the ambulance siren. Danny grabbed Eva and put her in the car plus the 16 year old as the neighbor came over to help because of the screaming. A few words exchanged then that look Eva and the neighbor gave the little ones, a lifetime of sadness expressed in a glance. The sirens were louder now, Danny rolled the car around blocked the road, waved at the ambulance to follow then with a rumble ,that made the ground shake under the little ones feet, Eva Danny and the 16 year old plus the screeching ambulance were gone. "The Story is that Roy was found crushed to death under his tractor, his finished lunch and an over turned coffee cup only feet away" What you call Inspectors/Investigators/Authorities/specialists in their field. In those days the men who ran the safety department of the farm were 5 local farmers. They went to the site the next morning. They solemnly came back to meet with Eva at the farm house and all sat around the kitchen table. No one sat in Roy's chair. She asked how? "Pause", Why? They laid out what they found at the site. It happened after Lunch. No signs of anyone else in the area except Roy. Roy was using a sloped rock face to reach a ridge with some fresh fallen hardwood. Looks like the slope had taken a beating and started to fracture. A fresh chunk of rock had broken off and Roy had still been going up in the same spot. To the right of the slope and the fractured piece of rock was a very large root system from a wind-blown stump. Roy drove his tractor up the slope 'one more time'. Something the farmers didn't know was that that little ford tractor was in the habit of kicking a gear at the worst of times. So it is said that when Roy was taking 'one more time' the slope the tractor dropped a gear, dropped into the broken slice of rock which would have pulled Roy and the tractor straight down the drop directly down to the old wind-blown stump. Yes the exact stump where Roy ate his lunch one more time. One more time it was quiet. No 'one more time' of tea on the step, playing farmer or cowboy and Indians. No 'one more time' of anyone asking for Roy's help because they knew he would. No 'one more time' for the little ones to have ice cream with their Dad at John's General store where 'Roy's money was no good' No 'one more time' would he sneak up behind Eva as she peeled potatoes. For all of you out there watching, listening or reading please take a bit of time when the task changes and take a look at how one more time will affect you, your family and friends. No 'one more time' Oh ya couple more facts, I have a twin brother, I also have a brother who is 14 months older than me, there was 7 boys and 1 girl in my family, I grew up in a 100 year old farm house, I had two dogs and 1 cat, My Dad was the greatest man that I have ever had in my life and his name was Roy.

Terry Wayne Holden

A tribute for my dad. He passed on September 17, 2005 at the age of 61 from mesothelioma. A man who never even got colds. A man who never missed work. Taken by a horrible disease that snuck up on him at a time when he should have been planning his retirement. Instead he had to plan his funeral. Having to try and recall when and where he had been exposed to asbestos. It had been 30 plus years before his diagnosis. He had worked for about 3 months in a factory that used asbestos in their products. Asbestos is a nightmare that never ends. It will never be okay that you missed out on so much. I can still remember how your hand felt when holding mine. Love you forever dad. Your daughter.


Transport minister urges patience in crash probe Migrant Peruvian farm workers, truck driver from London, Ont., among dead CBC News Posted: Feb 07, 2012 8:54 AM ET Last Updated: Feb 07, 2012 10:04 PM ET


We lost our son on 21April two years ago changed our lives forever god bless you son we think of you every day. Our son was Marc Robert Nelson from Ottawa Ont


国外破解网站大全-『外文翻译』-看雪安全论坛 - · 谢谢楼主的分享,不过有些已经不能上了。其实看雪就挺好的,先学习了基础,再上国外的论坛也不迟呀。


Died September 19th 2014 - Windsor, Ontario. I got fired shortly after for caring too much about your death, but I do not regret it. You were an amazing person who did not deserve the fate you were handed. It's over a year later but you are still on my mind everyday. RIP Phuong.


My Dad died at work on January 22, 2011. I was 7 years old. I wrote this poem for him. I still miss him, every Day. When I close my eyes at night, I make a wish with all my might, that my Dad will come home safe to me, Do you think that could ever be? I know my Dad is up in Heaven, he's been there since I was seven. He sits up there and watches over me, He keeps me safe as I can be. I miss my Dad every day, will anything ever be OK? I miss his hugs, I miss his kisses, But most of all I miss our reminisces, of all the fun we had together, in sun and in rain and all kinds of weather. My brothers are brave, they pretend they don't care, but I'll tell you a secret, they hide it in there. It's not fair to lose a Dad, it makes me sad, it makes me mad! Dads shouldn't die just going to work. It's just isn't right that danger may lurk. If I could change things here's what I'd do, I'd invent a new workplace, something new. A place where no one could ever get hurt. It would be like magic, do you think it could work? No more tears and sadness, no more missing and badness. Every mom and Dad would come home safe. A world like that would never chafe. When you go to work today, play it safe, make it ok. So you can go home, safe and sound, to kiss your kids and be around. Love Silver xoxo


Almost 17 years ago Dick lost his life while working on the 401, but we think of you everyday. Your family.


I think of you everyday, I will never forget what you did to save a co-workers life, in turn yours was lost. MB

Andrew Hill

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RIP Peter Czulinski age 45 Firefighter, Husband, Father, AWESOME Friend TORONTO FIRE Station 135


For my dear uncle who died at work 15 years ago...he still had so much to live for. Please commit to your safety and the safety of those around you as you work every day.

John McAuley

I continue to feel so bad that we continue to have workers who suffer serious or fatal injuries. I come from the school that says "All accidents/injuries are preventable". Every worker has the absolute right to go home at the end of the day in the same condition that they left in the morning. Each worker should ask the questions: 1)-if I do the job this way, what can happen to me? 2) what can happen to my fellow worker? 3) what can happen to the enviroment? And if we are honest with the answer, we will do the job safely in the first place. Companies are also responsible to ensure a safe work atmosphere. I believe working safe is possible! My thoughts are with the injured, and those who have died and with their families.


November 21, 2014. . . . Died in a tragic accident on base in Petawawa. Miss you every day, think of you always my love! You were taken from us to soon. You may be gone, but never forgotten!! Love you always!! Love your family and friends xo


Thinking of Happy who was hit by a vehicle when the driver didn't scrape his windshield


Take from us too soon. Forever loved and missed - Mary and the boys


Taken too soon


I miss you every day and still believe in all


Taken too soon at the age of 53. Father of Clayton, Brittni, Thomas and Sydney.

Our Dad

A man who lead with tenderness and kindness...who made "US" so proud to bear our family name and all it stands our hearts forever


In loving memory of a dedicate tradesman and a good friend.

Chantal Banks

RIP to all those who's lives have tragically ended while on the line of duty. May you forever watch over your loved ones.


Not a day goes by that I don't think of you...Renuka

月光加速器好用吗?月光加速器官网注册及使用教程 - 潘达 ...:2021-5-6 · 2021年的新冠病毒让全球的防疫系统一地鸡毛的同时,也变相的增加了国内用户对于国外信息了解的渴望,但是国内的大多数用户是很难直接访问国外的网站的,游戏用的加速器也不能浏览视频和网站,因此必须需要使用一些特殊的科学上网手段才行。

Thank you for inspiring me to work hard and make a difference. Sadly missed. Your daughter Erika.

Arlindo Gonsalves Freitas

Died April 25 2014


帽子加速器软件官方下载 帽子加速器V1.0.0.4免费下载 安卓 ...:2021-12-12 · 帽子加速器是一款功能强大的网络加速软件,该软件是针对国外的网络连接的,如国外的网站,国外的电子邮件的发送与接受,还有的国外的社交聊天的平台,我伔知道,在国内的打开国外的网络,很慢要加在半天,该工具能够提高加速国外网络的访问速度。

Ed Long

I can still remember the moment I learned of your passing. It took me by surprise as I never knew it was you that was the fatality constructing the bridge... I felt so guilty that I didn't put two and two together that it was you... that I didn't get the opportunity to pass on my sympathies to your family. If your family is reading this, I just want them to know how much I enjoyed getting to know you while at Holland College and that I really appreciated all the laughs and jokes we used to pull. RE


速游加速器怎么对网站加速|对网站加速的操作方法-系统族下载站:2021-4-17 · 速游加速器是一款有着千万用户使用的游戏加速器,支持2021余款国内游戏加速众及台服、欧服众及美服等网游。当然该软件也可众对网络进行加速,比如网站,但是很多小伙伴不知道怎么操作,接下来就跟着小编一起来学习一下吧。


We lost our son in a worksite accident in Edmonton, Alberta on October 18, 2011. The very worst day of our lives. Kane was from NL. He worked in Alberta and British Columbia. Kane was an Ironworker and he loved his work. He came from the small town of Thornlea, NL. He moved to Alberta when he was nineteen years old and never looked back. He loved working in Alberta. He met his fiancée there and had a little boy they called Lincoln. He loved his life there. Kane had a lot of friends there and anywhere he went. He was a good person and a loving man. Kane was 28 years old when we lost him to the accident. More work needs to be done to prevent such accidents. Many more have lost their lives in workplace accidents since Kane lost his. Our only wish is that no one would lose their loved one like we did. We did and always will love our son Kane. We miss him more that we can even say. We love you our Angel.


- 亚风软件站:2021-8-16 · 帽子加速器是一款功能强大的网络加速软件,该软件是针对国外的网络连接的,如国外的网站,国外的电子邮件的发送与接受,还有的国外的社交聊天的平台,我伔知道,在国内的打开国外的网络,很慢要加在半天,该工具能够提高加速国外网络的访问速度。


You are deeply missed by all those who knew you, including your baby son. God Bless and Rest in Peace.

For Thomas Moorby, my Father who was killed on the job.

Every day, I remember my Dad, Thomas Borden Moorby Jr., who was electrocuted and killed on a rooftop at work on August 6th, 1996 (My moms 30th birthday, and also my Uncle, his brothers, birthday), at the age of 28 while he was working. His boss knew he would have workers up there that day and should have had the hydro temporarily shut down... But he didn't, and my Dad paid with his life for that negligence. I was only 2 years old at the time, my sister 10, my foster brother 14. We miss you every day, Dad. We love you. -Taylor


Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their toil. For if they fall, one will lift up his fellow. But woe to him who is alone when he falls and has not another to lift him up! Again, if two lie together, they keep warm, but how can one keep warm alone? And though a man might prevail against one who is alone, two will withstand him - a threefold cord is not quickly broken. I did not stand alone for I had two cords too protect me. God and my wife! For those who were lost and who stood alone I pray for you. Never give up! never say never! Live today and let tomorrow worry about tomorrow. God Bless


You will be in my thoughts and prayers every day.

Brian Furtado

Will be thinking of you.

An ordinary Canadian

I salute all those who work hard to create commodities and services that enable us to live in a better world.


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Louie (Luigi) Cudini

🙏 October 12,1960 - March 27, 2015 There’s a picture of you I carry in my heart and when I close my eyes, I see you when the world gets dark. The memories of you I carry in my soul. I wrap them close around me when the nights get cold. Life as I knew it ended so suddenly. It changed everything we’ve been. All that’s left to be is empty, broken lonely, hoping. I’m supposed to be strong; I’m supposed to find a way to carry on. They keep saying time will heal; but the pain just gets more real. When the sun comes up each day; I find myself, waiting, fading, hating and praying. But I keep holding on, trying to convince my heart from knowing that your gone. I’ll relive everyday, I will shoulder the blame, I will shout out your name. I will laugh and I will cry, I’ll raise my hands to the sky; but I will never, ever say GOODBYE Louie You are always with me. You remain locked up deep inside of me. Not a day goes by that I don’t think of you. With loving heartfelt memories, your wife, sons, grandchildren and family♥️

Our son, Warren Appleby

Your life was taken away too early and so fast from us. There is not a day that goes by that you are not in our hearts. Your dad and I are trying to move forward but it is hard. Your sisters have been amazing. We miss your unending love, laughs and support through all the years. Until we meet again, Love Mom & Dad


Today we remember our Uncle Warren who was killed in an accident on the set of the Titans series in Toronto last summer. Our uncle will always be remembered for being fun and always up for an adventure. Conner remembers when he would throw him high into the lake; and Emmett remembers the awesome presents he would bring and that he was so cool. Walker remembers the amazing time he would have tubing while Uncle Warren would drive his boat and Jack remembers when he took him to his first Blue Jays game. We miss you everyday Uncle Warren. Love you so much, Jack, Walker, Conner, Emmett and Lukas xoxo

Jeremy Huber

so hard to believe that you left us so suddenly almost 5 years ago.....Jeremy, you are so loved and missed by your family and friends and your co workers....we think of you daily and see so many of your traits in the three children you left behind.....sending you a HIGH FIVE....and HUGS....


Curtis Smith was working at the City of Toronto as a Solid Waste Collection Operator. On May 29, 2024 he was ina serious accident where he was impaled between a garage truck and a tree during his route. He was faced with numerous serious injuries that lend to continuous complications. On June 6, 2024 with his entire family at his bedside he passed away on his 28th birthday. He may he gone but he will never be forgotten.


It has been 18 years since we lost our nephew Jeffrey as he was delivering pizza and was struck by a train. The first day of his job and he had been working for exactly 38 minutes, no training or orientation. I looked at a picture of you and it all came back and I cried.

Stephen Whelan

My father, Stephen Whelan, was killed in an explosion at Atomic Energy, Chalk River on December 13, 1950. My parents would've celebrated their one year anniversary on December 26, 1950. I was two months old. When my mom was 90 & I was 60 we finally became acquainted with the circumstances of my father's accident. A blessing & a gift after years of much confusion..


My father Fred was killed on April 23, 2024 when his tractor-trailer rolled back and crushed home between the trailer and the dock. Dad had over 50 years experience, had been in the same role with the same company for 17 years. Dad died on the job less than 24 hours before he was scheduled to retire. He will be forever missed by all who knew him. XO


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With all of my heart I miss you every day . I love you David and miss you lots! xxxooo Mom

L.W. Ohlman

In memory of Walter who died in 1978. I miss you as much as I did when you passed away. Leonard did a tribute to you on Facebook for your birthday March 24.Len , Jim and I wish you could be here with us. Until we meet again ,Love you with all my heart. As I always told "you were my reason for living and I want to thank you for the time together we had" Love you always Colleen

Dugald (Doug) MacLean

My husband Doug was an Insulation Mechanic for 43 years beginning his trade at age 16 in Scotland, continuing this trade after arriving in Canada in 1968 and became a member of Local 95, Toronto, known at the time as Asbestos Workers International of which he held proudly, positions of Treasurer and Executive Board member for many, many years. He took until early retirement 2002. Doug was diagnosed with Peritoneal Mesothelioma, September 2008. After a surgery in New York Presbyterian Hospital, removing a 9lb tumor from his abdomen and a series of Chemo treatments, a second surgery Feb. 2009 revealed more tumors and the devastating news that he was terminal. Doug accepted this with much peace and as always, valued the time he had with his family. Doug died May 30, 2009 at home with his wife Anne holding him.


December 7th, 1987. Due to and explosion at the Alcan Plant in Kingston Ontario. Dad your forever missed. Eva

Jim Long

Seems like a life time ago , gone but not forgotten .


Remembering my father Pete Caspersen who died by electrocution in the workplace on April 28th, 1990. Your memory and influence inspires me every day to be a better person and a positive influence - hope you're proud! xo


April 23, 1979 my world changed forever. I was 3 years old when my daddy went to work for the last time at INCO in Thompson MB. He left behind a wife Joan, & 2 daughters Theresa (5) & Holly (3), his mom Marie & his sister Wendy. Every year is different but this year on his 40th Anniversary was so hard. I miss him every day & year. He didn't get to tell me about boys, see me graduate high school, get married & move to another province with my husband. Daddy I wasn't asked if I mind if you died, but then again I guess it wasn't up to me. So many moments in my life would have been so much better with you there. You will always be my 1st love! You are treasured, loved & missed. I love you daddy!!!


We said goodbye the night before, after celebrating your cousins 50th wedding anniversary. You had a professional photo taken with your wife, something you hadn't done in all the years you were married. I was pregnant with your granddaughter and you were so excited for her arrival in a few weeks. You brought over a demijohn of wine to wet her head, you never got to drink it! She was born six weeks later and she loves her Nonno, even though she never got to meet you! You did nothing wrong, it was just an unfortunate accident, but accidents shouldn't happen at work! Rest well knowing your family still loves and thinks of you!

Marlin Dupuis

Marlin is our amazing 19 year old son and brother. Marlin was electrocuted at work while changing flag poles, a task he was not trained to do, in Flamborough, ON March 21st 2024. Marlin passed away March 28 th 2024 from his injuries. It has only been a month since our nightmare began. My husband works at the same company and was only 100 feet away when it happened, he was the first one to Marlin. Marlin we love you and miss you so much, there is not a moment that goes by that we don't think of you. All our love Mom, Dad and Michelle XOXOXO.


Dad you loved mom Joe, Rosie and myself such that you did dangerous demolition work to put food on the table. One day in February 1969 you were killed while trying to save your brother from the same fate. Don't worry, mom did an incredible job with us. We grew up to be outstanding with great character. I wish you had been at our graduations, weddings and the birth of your grand children. Who is kidding who, I know you were there and you celebrated with us. Between you and me, I know it was you who kept me safe from all the potential accidents and stupid decisions I almost made. Miss you and mom terribly. I'm a father now and I let you guide me to raise them right . Your son Domenic


My loving father was taken from us too soon. Killed on the job from falling blocks of precast concrete. On Oct 10, 2017, he went to work as usual but didn’t make it back home. With only 6 weeks to retirement, he left behind a forever grieving widow, 3 children, 5 grandchildren and another that was on the way whom he will never get to meet. I was 8 months pregnant when he was taken from us because of someone’s negligence. Something that could’ve easily been avoided had the proper procedure been followed. But short cuts were made and my father paid the price. I miss him every moment of every day.


My father Silvestro, a "work horse" people said died September 12th, 2009 from pulmonary fibrosis after years of being exposed to silica in concrete. He was a cement finisher. After surviving a major aortic valve replacement 20 years before, this stronger man emerged with a new valve to collect more silica in his valve and deflate his lungs. WEAR YOUR MASKS and make sure you are properly protected.

For my Dad , Maurice Giroux

On December 19th. 2000 my father was killed on a construction site he was a welder and was on the building trying to tie down the metal during a snow storm he had volunteered to go up not wanting others to be in harms way and sadly loss his life.


In loving memory of a wonderful nephew. He was working a summer job in order to go to college in the fall to become a policeman. He was working as a flag person and was struck by the mirror of a camper. He was only 23. Love you always.

Gary Andrews

Dad worked in plants with what he was told was the "good asbestos". He passed away 2 years ago from pulmonary fibrosis and lung cancer which no doubt was caused in part by the various working conditions he was exposed too. We miss you Dad!

Cathal Boyd

On May 16, 2017 my Dad went to work. He had his own Landscaping business. It was his passion. Safety was his #1 priority on his job sites. There was no cutting corners. My Dad was working on an embankment. He was wearing a harness and was anchored into the ground. He was almost finished with his job. Just about an hour of work left. While Dad was working he lost his footing and began falling. The harness and anchor should have saved him. It didn’t. For unknown reasons, the anchor lifted from the ground. My Dad fell down the embankment and continued to fall down a 7ft retaining wall. He hit his head on that retaining wall which caused a closed skull fracture. His brain was bleeding. No other injuries. No broken bones. No internal bleeding. He only had a scratch on the top of his head. Due to the pressure the bleed was causing on my Dad’s brain, and the area of the bleed, surgeons were not able to operate on him to relieve the pressure. My Dad was declared brain dead on May 17, 2017.


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Jorge Ferreira

Miss you so much, Uncle Jorge. Always in our hearts, never forgotten. It's been 18years and the grief is still very real.


Ron was a beloved husband, father, father-in-law, and grandfather. He worked hard his entire life to provide for his family. He paid attention to lifestyle and exercise in order to enjoy his retirement years and time with his family. However, his retirement time was short-lived. The long-term effects of asbestos exposure reared their ugly head and Ron spent his last years slowly suffocating to death. Ron was the type of person who would go out of his way to help those in need. He literally gave the coat off his back one night to someone who had none. On more than one occasion he was hailed as a hero for being a bystander who leaped into action and saved the life of another. Even in his last days, Ron's his concern was for others, wanting to make sure the effects of asbestos were well-known and that no one else should suffer his fate. Ron in the hearts and minds of his family and friends always.


I write this tribute every year, this being year 3. I am reminded of that horrific day when we almost lost you. I am so grateful you are here with our children embracing and celebrating life with no limits. I am incredibly proud of how far you have come although you struggle everyday mentally, physically and emotionally you have overcome so many obstacles! I love you more than anything. Keep reaching for the stars! I’m reminded of the families that have lost loved ones and my heart breaks for them! We’re thinking of you and won’t stop fighting for you! Xox


On April 29th, 1980, my brother Greg "Potsie" Dawe went to work for the Region of Peel. After numerous days of rain and coming home covered head to toe in mud, on this day he did not come home. Only 28 years old, he was crushed to death by a bulldozer. A free spirit, kind and gentle man with his whole life ahead of him! Always being missed by so many who had the brief opportunity to know him. May you free spirit always soar above us Greg! Love your sister Sandy


My father sustained a near fatal injury on the job and never retuned to work. He was never the same person after that day. The happiness gone, the pain so intense and everlasting....impacted him every day. Impacted all of us. He's passed now, but its because of him I do what I do. Miss you and love you dad. #dayofmourning


Killed June 20th 1963 on a construction site. Dad, you will never be forgotten by your son and grandchildren - who you never got to see and hold. Now that great-grandchildren are coming along they will be told of the great man you are.


This tribute is for Dad, I miss you every single day! Your family continues to cherish your memory! We hope that one day, there will be a cure for Mesothelioma, a horrible disease with no cure. More than 125 million people worldwide have been exposed to asbestos in the workplace.


Lost his life in the line of duty when his police cruiser ran into a bull moose on September 11, 1963, on Highway 11 south of North Bay. Rest in Peace Dad. I think about you every day.

Robert Robinson Sr

Left his 16 year old son and 15 year old daughter way too soon after not coming home after work on April 15 1998. He was picking up branches on the side of the road after the Ice storm that year and the wood chipper that they were using had a protective guard that shook lose, fell into the chipper and shot back out hitting him in the head. The police said that he died instantly. This event changed my sister and my life drastically to this day. Love you dad RIP


Thank you for dedicating your lives to workplace safety. Without you, more individual could be hurt on the job!


My dad was only 43 years old when he went to work on the morning of Feb 15th 1954. He never came home. He was killed in a mining accident in the Nephton Mines north of Norwood Ontario.. He had only been on the job for 6 months . His job was a drill operator in the mine. He left behind a wife of 8 years , a daughter Kathleen who was 4 years old and and unborn child.. He was buried the day before his 44th birthday . his birthday was February 20 th. I am the unborn daughter that never knew her father I was born on May 10th 1954. I have been told that my dad was a hard worker and was a big man but a kind man My mom never remarried and she passed in 2000. I would have loved to have known him . He never saw his kids grow up, never saw his 8 grandchildren After his death a lot of changes were implemented in the mining industry to make the job safer .. He has been gone all my life but he is never forgotten


Forever in our hearts. A man who taught through his commitment, loyalty, character, humbleness, generosity, integrity, laughter, kindness and endless love for his family. You are carried and live in our hearts and thoughts. Forever missed.

David Pinkney

David was a loving fianc and father , he went to work on Feb 6th 2017 and never came home , he was taken to soon ,there is not a day that goes by that we don't think about him and miss him !!! Love you always Big Dave ! Nicole , Connor and Hayden

Kyle Gerber

To my nephew Kyle who lost his life at work 10 years ago at the young age of 25. Taken way too young. RIP

Nathan Corrie Spink

We miss you so. Your girls have grown and prospered. Sadly we had to send you and Scott our Seiko. We miss all three.

Luke Penny

Loving and Missing you always and forever. Not a day goes by where you are not thought of. XO


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Thomas Quinn

In 1995, many lives were changed forever. Mine took a different path than i believe it would of if you did not been taken from us. I now believe everything happens for a reason and you had to die so myself and mum could live. it does not make it any easier not having my dad here, it just is the way it is...but it should not be. love Pigeon


Taken at the age of 25 just over ten years ago, the loss of your life still feels fresh to all of us. Every family get together, every holiday, your absence is felt.

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You are never far from my memory every day of the great times, respect and mentorship of my brothers Ray and Jim who were tragically taken in a workplace accidents and my heart breaks that Ryan my nephew never seen his 3 month daughter grow up. He would have been so proud. We will be thinking of you on this very important day in April for you and all workers.

Ronnie Lepage

To my brother in law who was crushed by a tandem truck on April 6th 2017 ..we miss you dearly..these was a very difficult time for all of us..yoy will never be forgotten xoxo

Wayne Taylor

You are never forgotten, my love <3

Pande Todorovski

On August 22, 2016 I lost my fellow co-worker. He is gone but not forgotten. He was a truly wonderful human being who cared for all and had a HUGE heart. He is truly missed. RIP Pande.

Ryan Herbert

We miss you and think about you all of the time! Love from the Churchill gang!


Was fortunate to have met Mark at age 5. He was a creative dedicated craftsman from a young age. Quiet reserved polite individual who you could trust with pretty much anything. Dispicable is the only word I have to describe senseless tragedies caused by reckless abandonment for the safety of another human being. Mark never would have thought his spirit would of been crushed by a crane that day. Robbed of a future with his family because of some greasy business tactics. Shameful. RIP Mark. Always remembered.


Words can begin to describe how much we miss you. We think of you everyday. Things definitely aren't the same since you left us! A co-op placement that wasn't worth the technical red seal that you never achieved on your diploma


People go to work to be paid, not laid waste to. Especially shocking are the kids who get killed on Take Your Kid to Work Day. Let's all practise work safety!

Joseph Smyth

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I have seen the pain and heartache of the love of your life Jaymie and your beautiful boys Abel and Ollie everyday for the past 6 months... Everyday my heart breaks for them and your family... You were the "best guy" the best husband, father and friend... The "safety first guy" always... You always listened and talked non stop... always had a story to tell... You were witty, yet charming and the love and devotion you displayed everyday for your wife and your boys, truly was beautiful and honourable.. You were devoted to providing them the best life and lessons about life..Jaymie will persevere and honour you and your love for your family I promise you that... They will always be cared for by the many people who love you and all that you stand for. And Your Jakey. Xo MK


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Marian De Winter march 20, 1987

The day I will never forget. I was badly injured at W.C.Woods in Guelph Ont., At 38 years of age my life and that fo my family changed drasticly. I was not killed but injured. I live with it every day.

Ryszard Witczak

Ryszard Witczak died in a mining accident at Macassa Gold Mines, Kirkland Lake, Ontario on April 18, 1962 at the age of 37 years. He is still remembered by his wife, children and friends.


We miss you more than words can say.

Robert Porter

Thinking of & missing my Dad today whose death is still very hard for me to accept. He died on August 16, 2016, after developing mesothelioma - a horrible cancer resulting from asbestos exposure on the job. No one should lose their life from trying to provide for their family.

Catherine Jean beaul

June 30 2016 the day you where run over by a delivery driver while you where out side taking a break is the day the grand kids lost their inspiration and our kids lost their friend and confident and I lost the wonderful wife of 39 years who is my sole mate. She has been in hospital since that day with catistrofic brain injury the hospital did not think she would live and never breath on her own but she has proved them wrong she has so much brain damage she does not move right arm or leg and only opens left eye but is a blank stare I have been to see her EVERY day and will continue to do so even though she does not know who or what I am I love you with every part of me Kate your husband Kenny

Jeff L

It is 7 weeks today that you passed away from Mesothelioma. You often told me that I was your inspiration, but you are truly mine Dad. Your strength, your courage and your calm and peaceful acceptance of a diagnosis given and being told you would have little time left with your family. You left behind a wife of almost 50 years, 2 daughters and 4 grand-daughters who adore you as their greatest Papa ever! It all happened so fast and has left us with a gaping hole in our hearts and our lives. You are very much loved. And you are very much missed every single day. We love you Dad. Elaine

Metti Yonan

To a loving son, brother, husband, father, and friend...we miss your radiant smile and your dance moves.


In memory of Mark who was our High School Football teammate and died tragically while working a summer job at Dofasco in 1972. Never forgotten!

Luke Penny

I love you and I miss you everyday.

Troy Matthew Marche

October 20, 1999 is forever etched in my memory. I remember every single thing I did that day because it was the day that you died. My brother we love and miss you still and there is an emptiness that will never be filled. You were so young and had your whole life ahead of you...I often wonder if things were different what your life would be like now.

Charles Lussier

In Memory


I miss those days where I used to see you working around the house, when I used to feel protected around you, when our lives were more than just Doctors appointments, caregiving and pain killers. I miss the man you used to be.

Our Dad Joseph

Stopping, remembering and mourning a kind, tender and compassionate man...a man of character and strength...a man that lives on like the beautiful flame of our flickering candle...forever in our hearts and souls...our Dad, our friend, and our life example, our Joseph xo

Jorge Ferreira

To my dear uncle Jorge....taken from his family at the young age of 38, 17 years ago. The pain and absence he left has never subsided. We love you, and miss you. To all the workers out there, reading these tributes today - PLEASE work safe. You are not invincible, it CAN happen to you. All it takes is a split second. Never gamble on your safety. If you don't want to be safe for your own life, do it for your family - your spouse, your children, your siblings, your parents, your family, your friends. They are the ones that will be left behind.


Words could never explain the pain of losing two people l Iove to work accidents. You went off to work one morning and never came back home to me. This type of loss, pain and loneliness is lifelong. So many missed memories we never got to build.

Ben Tortolano

In loving memory of my Dad Miss you ... remember you Always ??

Donald (Dan ) Elson 1983

Electrocuted on the job at a young age of 21 leaves behind a young 10 mth old baby boy and a young mother and comlaw wife an accident that should of nevered happened still miss you dearly

Joe Smyth

A loving Father, a wonderful Son, Brother and Friend. Taken too soon by asbestosis. And a tribute also for the six others who worked with him and also succumbed to this disease. THE SMYTH FAMILY


Things happen so fast....a fraction of a split second....its so fast you cant even put it in perspective. I know this from first hand experience, on May 10th 2004 I was pulled into a machine lathe at 10:30 am in the morning. I had my guardian angles looking out for me that day... Thankfully I have always been a bigger guy and was able to over-come the spindle of the machine and I stripped the gears in the gear box as I was fighting for my life knowing what the outcome could be. I was 20 years old,...three years into my apprenticeship for tool and die. It was a life changing experience....I'm now 32 and it still hurts to move my shoulder. Be Safe, Be Careful, Be Aware. -Benjamin Norman.

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We express our sincere condolences to all of you who have lost someone you love in a workplace fatality. At 3TEC Inc we remain committed to ensuring our company never has to deal with such tragedy. Beverley and Sheldon, Health and Safety Committee

To all workers

Everyone should feel safe at work. God bless the lives that have been lost. To all employers, work safe and smart. So everyone can see their family.

Russell James Fleck

Originally from Scotland Son of Margaret and Kenneth Fleck, came to Canada met his wife Cori in Picton. They married and had two great daughters Bryn and Lauren. Russell was a carpenter and left his mark on many furniture pieces, homes, and buildings in the County and around the GTA. I worked along side him for years on many projects, one in particular my house,i am reminded of him daily as i pass through my home he helped create. He is missed every day and fondly remember by all who knew and loved him. "The rank is but the guinea's stamp, The man's the gowd for a' that. " Robert Burns


Kyle, not a day goes by that you are not in my thoughts. Too young. Too soon. The question remains unanswered.....why? Your life journey was not over. You still had so much to accomplish. You still had more mischief to cause. You were still very much needed in all our lives. Yes.....left foot goes in front of right. We are moving forward. We are living. We are even laughing. But you can still see.......the pain. The pain of laughing over something and turning to share it with you. Yet you're not there. The pain of watching your girls wanting to turn to you for a shoulder and open arms.....yet you're not there. Being excited over some news and wanting to see your reaction....yet you're not there. But we are. These workplace accidents are not acceptable. Families should not have to endure this agony, this deep sense of loss. The mission continues to raise awareness. In this small way you are honoured along with countless others who tragically lost their lives. You are honoured by the stories that we all share. You are honoured by the laughs we share over your antics. But we are honoured to have been a part of your life. Continue to watch over your girls. Continue to leave them signs. May they always feel your loving arms around them. Rest in peace sweet angel ??

Kyle Knox

For my brother Kyle who is missed beyond words. November 12 1986 - October 11 2011. There isn't a day that goes by that your not thought of. You will forever be in the hearts of everyone you met. We'll never forget that tragic day... a careless, preventable accident which was no fault of your own has left a gaping hole in the hearts of everyone who loved you. I wish you never went to work that day. RIP Kyle. Thinking of every life lost due to a workplace accident... it happens far too often:(


A wonderful uncle who was taken from his wife and son way too soon. Thinking of you always.


To my big brother, How can this be? It's been 6 months since I've last seen your face. Each day I wake up once again to this devestating reality. I try and convince myself that this can be undone, that somehow this was a mistake. But instead the shock just continues to overwhelm me. I am forced to learn how to live life without you in it, yet it's so unacceptable. These sickening butterflies will never go away. To watch the love of your life go through this is disturbing and unjust. She lost her heart, her laughter and the father of her 2 children. When my nephews say "daddy" it should be because you walked through the door, not because they are pointing at a picture of you. We all miss you so so much. We talk about you every single day but it's never enough. Abel remembers so many things you taught him in the less than 4 years he had you. He's still your biggest fan. Ollie has so much of your mannerisms and sometimes looks just like you that it's striking. Jaymie is giving every piece of her to power through this for the boys, I know how proud you must be. But her heart is so badly wounded. I can't believe my son will also grow up without you, his uncle. You would have been one of his favourite people. Everybody loved you and everybody misses you. This should have never happened. My heart aches for everyone writing a tribute. Everyone whose life changed so drastically and unexpectedly like ours. I am deeply sorry for not only your loss but for what your loved one lost as well. We long for the day til we get to see you again and won't stop missing you in the meantime. Not for one second. Love you all the world Joey Xoxo Sis

A Wonderful Brother

Today marks an important day. It's just one additional day that I remember my older brother. One day, one's days events and we no longer get to spend time together. So many things went wrong that could have been avoided! Now I spend time trying to educate, teach and promote today and everyday being safe in the workplace- in any way I can. I hope that by just one of my actions, another family will not have to experience such loss. You're always remembered by your loving sister and your brother in law & nephew who you never got to meet.

Jeremy Huber

For my brother, my go-to-guy and my best friend. You were taken from us far too soon doing something you've done a million times. There is a void in our family that will never be filled! Miss your teasing, your sense of humour, your laugh, your smile, hearing your voice and your unconditional love and support! We remember you today and always! You will never be forgotten and forever loved! Until we see you again.... xo

Jeremy Huber

My beloved nephew. Who left his family before his 40th birthday in august 2015. When falling from a second story roof. Your shining light is missed on earth but your shining star is forever in our hearts. We love you forever. Xxoo

Robert Marshall

You walked out the door to go to work and never came home. Miss you

Barry Recoskie

My tribute is for my husband Barry who died 20 years ago this December while working as an underground miner. He left behind his two children ages 6 and 8 at the time. There is not a day goes by that we do not think of him even 20 years later. In one day life changes forever......

Bob king

My dad went to work July 14 2006 at westcast in wingham he was crushed between the furnace lid and cart and died instantly it was a very sad day miss him a lot


A Boilermaker from the age of 19, and incredible career... exposed to asbestos. Died July 21, 2016. No one should die that way. Love you, Dad. Miss you.

Joseph Cote

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测速网站_测速网站最新资讯:2 天前 · 国内网站测速对比 - 站长工具 国内网站速度检测的首选,遍及国内各省几十个网站速度检测点,包括BGP双线、多线、电信、网通、联通、移动、长城宽带等线路,即时测试网站在全国各地的打开速度。


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On.april.11 2011 My son justin was killed at his workplace . for a.pasta factory and some how he the machine


OneDrive 速度这么慢是因为在国内没有服务器吗?微软有没 ...:2021-9-20 · 不过几乎所有「国外软件用不了、速度慢」的问题都可众用shadowsocks+proxifier 一次性的完美解决。因为这些软件用不了或者访问慢的主要原因,要么就是在国内没有服务器、要么就是服务器比较少没能Cover到你所在的地区的网络运营商。


Life will never be the same for my father who was injured while at work, he lost his fingers and has suffered Post Traumatic Stress Disorder as a result of this. I wish this can all go away and he can live his life like it once used to be. I am forever grateful that he is still alive. We mourn the loss of those who never made it back home after their shift had ended.


My dear son in law... No words can ever express my deepest sorrow the day u left us.... My heart aches... Number one I miss you.. Loved you like my son....You treated my daughter like a princess. .. Always.. So many memories of u and Jaymie as young people, and I will cherish all of them. U grew together and became this amazing family .. My heart breaks that Abel and Oliver will have a hard time remembering what an awesome hands on father you were and how much u really got into playtime.. U were the best lion King dad after ever!! Now that I sold my home that you were so much apart of, I am realizing you are gone and you are not coming back and our lives are forever changed. .... I will always hold u dearly in my heart until I meet u again my sweet son in law xoxoxo

Wayne Van Breda

One weekend we were celebrating, the next week we were mourning. You taught us a lot of things, but the biggest lesson you taught us was to not take anything for granted - we can lose it all in an instant. Always on our minds and always in our hearts. Love you Grandpa.


SSeventeen years ago you left us. Not a day goes by that we don't think of you! You will forever be in our hearts.

My Amazing Husband, Donny Woods

One night everything is normal. Saying good bye over the phone before bed .... I love you, see you in my dreams! Falling asleep thinking I had everything I ever wanted in life. Only to wake in the morning having nothing left, those words I love you, see you in my dreams! the last I would ever hear. My Donny was a truck driver, home few days out of a month. Every minute together, every phone call was always special. One Wednesday night while hauling a load from Montreal to Toronto, the love of my life, was shot and killed, his truck stolen, the load sold and my husband and his truck left in a parking lot. Donny was an amazing man who would give the shirt off his back to anyone that needed it. He was always buying meals for homeless people he would meet on his runs, always coming home with things for the children in our area that had less than he did. He was an amazing father to our son, they were best friends and always together when they could be. If the two of them were not on the road together, they were in the yard playing with the dirt bikes or snow mobiles. Donny was my Best Friend, My Soul Mate, he was my world. With out him, for the past almost 11 years, my world has been dark and gloomy and will never be the same again. He was out there driving that transport, not just to feed and support his own family, but helping everyone make sure they had what they needed when they walked into a store. Now, my Donny drives the Skyways and protects his family from above.

Aleksandar Scapec

December 02 .2005. Husband,father,son,brother and friend always in our harts


28 years ago you were 16 years old and we thought we lost you. Months in the hospital. Years recovering at home. Today you are 44, you don't let anything stop you and are still here being the brother and son we all thought we almost lost.

My friend Joey Fancey

No one should go to work to support their family and not return home to them. Joey kissed his family goodbye the morning of October 28, 2016 not knowing this would be the last time his lips would touch their skin. Joey was the hardest worker I knew. He was a perfectionist. He wanted to teach his two very young boys the importance of work ethic and what a mans role is when supporting a family. Joey took workplace safety very seriously because not returning to his family was his biggest fear...... This day in age an accident like the one that took Joeys life should NEVER happen. Joey, you will forever hold a very special place in my heart. I love you and your beautiful family beyond measure. We will forever honour your memory. Your boys will always know what an amazing man their daddy was. Forever missed my friend xoxox

Cyril Lewis Baker

Our world changed October 4th 1999. I was so lucky to have known you but mostly to have been your wife. You were the best dad to our children. Thinks changed so much. Our daughters were so young. They will never get a chance for you to walk them down the isle. You will miss out on being a grandpa. All because you were crushed to death at your work. Those were the hardest words I had to hear. " Mrs. Baker there's nothing more we can do" . I didn't understand those words at first. I also did not know how to tell our kids you were not coming home. I also did not know how to tell your mom her first born has passed. It was a blur with having to make plans for your goodbye. Can we really say goodbye. Even after almost 18 years you are always in our hearts. I make sure your memories are alive with our children and some day our grandchildren. You were loved by so many and will always be. I loved you more then life and even though I have moved forward with another man I could not love anyone like you. We are blessed that we have had you in our lives even for a short time. We love you forever. Love your forever wife Marilyn and your children Charlotte and Delta.

Johnathan Hicks

June 22, 2016 is the date that will forever mark the day the world became darker, as the light you shared with all around you was put out. You went to work and never made it home. Not a day has passed since then that you have not been in everyone's thoughts who knew you. Since your 7 year old son has been able to see you. To hug you and tell you he loves you. It's so unfair and it's so wrong. Nobody should go to work and not get to go home at the end of the day. I promise to continue raising your son the best that I can. I promise to keep you alive in our home and hearts forever. I wish we never knew how it feels to lose someone we love in a workplace accident and I pray no one else ever has to know how it feels either. Rest In Peace Johnathan.


October 28, 2016 will forever be the worst nightmare of my life. Your tragic death shattered my heart and has truly taken the wind out of my sail. So many lives have been affected by the loss of YOU. You were taken from us far too soon in a workplace accident that should NEVER have happened. Almost 6 months later and none of us can make any sense of this tragedy....we NEVER will understand why this happened to YOU. You were the sweetest most beautiful man inside and out. You touched so many lives during your short 32 years. You left a lasting impression with everyone, young and old. You were the guy everyone looked up to and everyone aspired to be like. It is so unfair that you don't get to enjoy your 2 beautiful little boys. At almost 4 and almost 18 months old, they could never understand what happened to their Daddy and why he doesn't come home anymore. My heart aches for your wife and 2 little boys, every time I look at them. Your life was perfect at 32 with your perfect family. You were exactly where you wanted to be at 32, enjoying your beautiful family. So many many broken hearts left behind who will NEVER EVER forget Joey Fancey.....the kindest good-hearted man anyone had the pleasure and luxury of meeting. Love and miss you every single day with tears that never fade. Forever in my heart.


Killed on September 11th 2000 run over by construction equipment he was working with.


I personally have no reason to pay any tribute to any labourers, but, I have read in the news some time ago that a few Chinese labourer died in work-injuries resulting in death. So, I am writing to say human rights you need to keep up with the workers death toll globally. There are also workers in the GCC who are treated unfairly most often, or domestic workers who migrate to different parts of the world, not all causes death, but all are treated unfairly in their jobs. So let us gather together and send a message to Ottawa, Washington D.C., Brussels, Brasilia, Abu Dhabi, and London that such acts of unfairness will not be tolerated by the people of the world.

Joey Fancey

My heart breaks for you, your incredible wife and your two beautiful little boys who will never get the chance to live a life with their amazing Daddy. You touched so many lives in your short life. I will forever remember you and the way you made the world a better place.


Not one day has passed where I haven't thought about you and your family. My heart still hearts and my tears are still present. You were an incredible man who lost your life so tragically and now there's an empty space in all of our hearts forever. Rest in peace Joey ?


For my Papa who passed away, on my 10th birthday, due to cancer from asbestos exposure in the workplace. I wish I'd had the chance to know you better but am thankful for the time we had.


My sister had so much to look forward too. She was 29 and planning her wedding and her future that was going so well. We went out wedding shopping and for dinner the night before her accident. The night was full of laughter and excitement and future plans. Elaine went to work the next day and never came home. A fall from a scaffold took my sister and my best friend away from me. I haven't been able to even talk about it since the funeral because it's just too hard. I miss her and would give anything to have her back.


You were my brother, my friend, my daughter's uncle - you died when you fell at work. I miss you.

I don't think people truly understand the importance of this day. Neither did I, in fact I didn't even know it existed, until 2008. You see, in December of 2007 my best friend, my partner, my fiancé, my love, my life was pinned between a backhoe and a tractor (truck). He was in Sunnybrook Hospital for 8 days before he succumbed to his injuries. This could have been prevented if the operator of the backhoe (also owner of the company) had of just turned the machine off before climbing out "to help Wayne". I can tell you, Wayne knew what he was doing. He had done this work for over 35 years with never an incident. It is time that we as a society, and our Government, steps up and makes workplace safety a top priority. This has to stop, NOW! Wayne, I will do everything in my power to keep other safe. I love and miss you so much, every day. You have a little grandbaby now, and I know that you will guide him to do right and be safe. Missing you always xoxoxo

Americo Vicente Arruda

August 11, 2010 was the worst day of my life. The second worst was July 27, 2010 when Dad was diagnosed with Mesothelioma. A man should never ever have to risk his life to support his wife & two daughters, buy a house, feed his family. A man with the courage of a lion & the strength of one-hundred hero, my dad. A tiny, microscopic piece of ASBESTOS took him away from us.....who knows how many years it lay dormant in his lung..... While his pain & suffering was intense & unbearable, I am so grateful it wasn't lengthy. We were able to say our 'good-byes'....So many friends & family came to say, "good-bye". The overwhelming support was bitter-sweet to witness..... But, it should not have happened!!!! He should be here! I wish I could make him laugh, again, I wish I could hug him, again. I miss his laugh..... & his BBQ potatoes....Thank God his pain & suffering ended, but my pain (& my family's pain) is never-ending. Almost six years later & I miss him terribly.....some days, the sadness is overwhelming...... I miss you, Dad. I love you so much, 'Always & Forever'.....


R.I.P. Ryan Pearce.. 19yr old killed underpinning a house that collasped as he was in the basement. the boss @company never followed the codes, now we are left with sadness/pain/hurt/loss@why cause of someone stupidness. fly high ryan we all miss u deeply. my was soon to be son n law, our family are destroyed by this.but we will fight, we r ur voice. safety at any work place is a many young@older lives have been taking from what could of been safe


R.I.P my old buddy. Think about you often.


R.I.P this is a message from alissa (kid)


测速网站_测速网站最新资讯:2 天前 · 国内网站测速对比 - 站长工具 国内网站速度检测的首选,遍及国内各省几十个网站速度检测点,包括BGP双线、多线、电信、网通、联通、移动、长城宽带等线路,即时测试网站在全国各地的打开速度。


My father died at age 88 due to exposure of asbestos


My dad died 53 years ago when I was a child, from a construction accident



Elfie Chase

Remembering a beautiful friend and co-worker who suffered a traumatic brain injury at work in July 2015. You are loved and missed everyday

Jake Gordon

测速网站_测速网站最新资讯:2 天前 · 国内网站测速对比 - 站长工具 国内网站速度检测的首选,遍及国内各省几十个网站速度检测点,包括BGP双线、多线、电信、网通、联通、移动、长城宽带等线路,即时测试网站在全国各地的打开速度。

George Alan Weare

Sadly missed by your 4 sons and 5 Grandkids... Always be in my heart!?


腾讯加速器会员版 - 陌路人博客:2021-6-15 · 【软件说明】:腾讯专业免费手游加速器,稳定游戏网络,支持国内外.上千款游戏。下载立领限时免费VIP 免费加速全球海内外游戏 1、支持上千款手游加速,覆盖国内90%已上线手游,、和平精英、QQ飞车等,保障网络稳定不掉线;覆盖国外热门游戏 ...

Giuseppe Petriello

On February 11, 1974, my father went to work and as a result of a terrible construction accident did not return home to his lovely wife and his three young children, he was berried alive as a result of a trench collapsing while installing main sewer lines in Dain City, small community outside Welland Ontario. Dear Daddy, everyday since that terrible accident, and during each new task and new project and especially at family functions, I wonder what it would be like if you were present, I can still feel the soft skin of your fore head as I played with it while you were sleeping on the sofa the night before your passing, and how I used to love to touch the large veins on the back of your hard working hands, as a very young child I remember thinking that you were old at the age of 41, as time went by and I was reaching the same age I then realized how young and how short your life has been. On this day we honor your life Daddy and the life's of all the individuals that did not make it home to their family's. Thinking of you and wishing you were here. Riposa In Pace Mio Caro Tatillo.


For my dad who died at work in October, 1986. Miss you tremendously and wish you were here with us. You left us too soon. Love, Angela


It's difficult to let you go but I must... I must return the gift God gave me... Till then; See you in Heaven my friend keepem dancing until we get there


To my dear uncle, who left us far too early on April 4, 2000 at the age of 38. Killed at work, with less than an hour left on his shift. Gone, but never forgotten. You will always be loved, you will always be missed.

Kyle Sinclair

It has been 1 year and 5 months since we lost you! You are always in our thoughts and prayers. Loved and missed by your family and friends. Love you always, Lest We Forget! Thank you for your Service my love!

Mario DiDonato

Dad, not a day goes by that you are not in our thoughts and prayers. We love you and miss everyday. You are forever in our hearts.


En hommage à Olivier Bruneau, un jeune homme de 24 ans tué par la chute d'un bloc de glace alors qu'il était au travail, sur un site de construction à Ottawa. Un homme pétillant de vie, un décès prématuré à cause d'un employeur négligent. Maintenant, les parents d'Olivier, ses soeurs, sa conjointe ainsi que toute sa famille et ses amis doivent reprendre le fil de la vie en surmontant cette dure épreuve sans jamais comprendre pourquoi... Mes pensées et mes prières sont avec la famille. Repose en paix Olivier

Jeffrey Lorne Burrows

You are thought of every day. You are missed every day by your family and friends. Love you always Jeff. Dad


I am asking our Almighty Father to give us strength to face our tomorrows because I know that Day in and Day out we still think of our loved ones that died during working hours. I am a mother of a 25 year old who lost his life doing pavement work. A life taken too soon.

Achille Sciannella

Twelve years ago today, we lost the most amazing father, husband and hardworking man while working on his job site. Our memories of him can never be forgotten. His love continues to shine, guide and protect us everyday. We miss you daddy!!


~To all workers who have been injured on the job~ ~To the families and friends who have lost a loved one~ ~For loved ones that have not home~ ~I am thinking of you today~

Don Coombs

My dad...went to work May 13, 1986 and never came home. Tragically he died in a construction accident that day. He lives on in my heart and memory but every time I hear of a workplace accident it reminds me of how precious life is. I miss you Dad. XO

Joe Decaro

To my brother who lost his life at work 28 years ago at the young age of 23. The tragedy changed our lives forever. Joe was a beloved son, brother, uncle, nephew, cousin and friend. You will be forever missed.

Dave K

In loving memory of our father who lost his life while at his workplace.That day changed our lives forever .We miss you every day.

Stephen Robert Reid

It's been 33 years since Steve died on the job. He would be so proud of his son and daughter and her children. We all need to be mindful when it comes to our safety, for ourselves and for our loved ones.


Miss you dad.

John "Jack" Anderson

We lost our uncle, and brother on July 6, 1990 in a workplace accident in Whitehorse while on duty with Yukon Electric. He continues to be missed, and memories of him will forever be cherished. Never forgotten. Ian Stiller.


测速网站_测速网站最新资讯:2 天前 · 国内网站测速对比 - 站长工具 国内网站速度检测的首选,遍及国内各省几十个网站速度检测点,包括BGP双线、多线、电信、网通、联通、移动、长城宽带等线路,即时测试网站在全国各地的打开速度。

Dom Visconti & Dan Huneault...

Remembering my partner, Dom, who died as a result of an injury on the job. I think of you every day for the past 10 years. To my brother, Dan, who suffered a workplace accident that rendered him paraplegic - your strength, perseverance and resourcefulness are incredible. You are so admired by your many friends and family. xox Jo


I'll never forget Sunday night when I said good night to my Dad, who thought it would be the last words I would say to him. When he didn't call home Monday to see if he had to bring home bread we knew something was not right. We went looking for him at the job sites he was working that day and tragically found him pinned under a steel bin. That was 11 years ago and it still feels like it was yesterday. He never met my daughter but she talks about him and loves him as though she knew him all her life. I still run into people that remember my Dad and always say what a great man and worker he was. I am so proud of him. I will always love you Dad and miss you each day.


An afternoon, a truck, a lady and eighteen years later.

Jake Gordon

The most selfless person I have ever met. A silent hero to so many.

Barry Crawford

如何加速访问国外服务器? -「云杰通信」:今天 · 企业用户在与海外企业对接时,访问海外服务器遇到了十分严重的问题。对于大部分之前一直访问国内服务器,甚至是没国外服务器的用户。在访问国外服务器的时候总会有很多的顾虑,不知道哪种国外服务器访问专线更稳定,能达到自身产品运行所需要的实际服务器环境。

Roy Edwards

In remembrance of a great man who died October 11, 2005 in a workplace accident. You have missed so much since you have been gone, weddings, trips and grandchildren. You were the best Dad we could have ever asked for. We love and miss you everyday.


Kind to all that he met. Taken at such a young age. Will always be remembered.

Jim Bolduc

I'll never forget every detail of the morning my dad died. I wish you could have seen all I've accomplished.


Loving son, brother, and friend, Forever in our hearts, You live on through all of us.


如何加速访问国外服务器? -「云杰通信」:今天 · 企业用户在与海外企业对接时,访问海外服务器遇到了十分严重的问题。对于大部分之前一直访问国内服务器,甚至是没国外服务器的用户。在访问国外服务器的时候总会有很多的顾虑,不知道哪种国外服务器访问专线更稳定,能达到自身产品运行所需要的实际服务器环境。

Douglas McDiarmid

Daddy, 37years year ago this 3 year old little girl's life was changed forever, her world was shattered, a heart was forever broken to wake up & find out that the man that she called daddy was gone forever. There were times that I looked for you thinking you weren't really dead. The pain never goes away. There are still questions that only a daddy can answer will forever go unanswered. There are times in my life where all I want is to be held in your arms. I want to run to you or call you to ask questions. I want to play catch, I want to see you smile and to hear you say I love you! Daddy I will love you forever & forever you will be in my heart. Love your daughter, Holly

Adam Keunen

在国外如何看国内视频节目 - Baidu:2021-3-26 · 爱加速换IP软件 方法/步骤 1.海外小伙伴伔打开一些国内的视频网站看电视剧、电影或是综艺节目时总会碰到版权限制的问题,当你在国外打开这些视频网站的时候就会出现这样的页面。今天我用一些简单的小步骤教大家如何去解决这个问题。


My Grandfather was injured at work when I was 10 years old (he was 57). His injuries took him from us long before he had succumbed to them. He lived in a vegetative state for 24 years. Although he was physically healthy, his brain injuries prevented him from living any kind of normal life. Avô, not one day goes by where I don't think of you. We miss you.

Paul David Smith

Loving husband and father

Michael Picanco

We little knew that morning that God was going to call your name, In life we loved you dearly, in death we do the same. It broke our hearts to lose you, you did not go alone, For part of us went with you, the day God called you home. You left us peaceful memories, your love is still our guide, And though we cannot see you, you are always at our side. Our family chain is broken, and nothing seems the same, But as God calls us one by one, the chain will link again. <3 Forever in our hearts... You are always in our thoughts!!! Love always, Angelica & Eric Costa

Gino (Bernardo) Farina

There isn't anything anyone can say to take away the emptiness that was left in our Hearts on November 5, 1988. You are Loved and Missed til the End of Time by Wife and 2 children..........Til we meet again Antonella

Carlos Santos

Taken from us June 13, 2008 leaving behind his wife, and two small children. We miss you everyday love Always Mariana


I never dreamed I would be writing on this board. You went to work and you never came home. Now my husband is gone from me! I love u and miss u soo incredibly much sexy ! September 1969- January 2015


Miss you bro.

Nick Tountas

Seriously injured in a workplace accident in 1983. Him and his family still live with the impacts of his brain injury and physical disability. Love you dad. CT

Nicholas Lalonde 1990 -2013

Nicholas Lalonde dearly loved son, brother, father and by his grandparents, there is never a second in our lives we don't think of you! We often mentioned your name and visit you at the gravesite. You have that beautiful smile that would light the room every time you would come thru and always happy go lucky no matter I'd you has good or bad days. You were taking from you family to soon! To all the families who have losted a loved one we will be thinking to all of you.


Taken from us on May 13, 1980, leaving behind his wife, three daughters, and a granddaughter. Miss you everyday. Love Always Lee-Anne


On Feb 1,2010 was the day jusses look at my family and safe my husband from the accident he had at work and still safe thank you god that day just give my husband a ride at his work place after 15 minutes when I arrived at home I received a phone call from his friend at work to tell that my husband had a small accident in his had but the ambulance came and take him to the hospital that moment I felt it's something big happen to him I told my dad to watch my little girl she was 6months old and I run to the hospital when the emergency room I saw how his legs are covered with blood and just saty strong not to make him feel better...but inside me I was crying tell I call my brother and sister in low to come to the's was his left nee get enjured but until today he suffered from the pin..and always we had argument because I found him this job he just came to Canada I sponsored him and went to the interview went he get this job at the factory...I thank lourd jusses for keeping my husband safe and I feel for those how lost there love ones...F.A..


I grew up with Tim - public and high school. I remember having to tie Tim's shoes in kindergarten class. He finally learned to do it himself, and tie his skates as well. He was always playing hockey - high-school team, road-hockey with friends. When I heard the news of a Zamboni accident, and found out it was Tim, I thought he'd be safe. He's too young. Besides, we live in London - some of the greatest doctors, nurses, specialists, health-care workers in Canada - if not the world. He'd be safe... He will recover... My God! How I cried when I heard the news. And at the visitation, Mrs. Hickman hugged and comforted ME!!!! I still cry when I think of him. Even as I type this. Whenever I hear about the Day of Mourning or injured workers, I think of Tim. My heart and prayers go out to his family - how strong they are!

Pascal Goulet

For my husband & father of my girls, Pascal Goulet , who died July 10, 2014 in a Underground Mine. There is not a day that goes by that we don't speak your name, miss you and wonder what might of been and wish everyday that you would be here with us. To lose a loved one to a work accident is unbelievable. My heart goes out to everyone who has lost a loved one or friend. The pain never goes away but you have no choice but to learn to live with it. Safety is so important make it your # . Pascal we miss you and Love you with all our hearts. Melanie, Kayla & Jessica xoxox

In Memory of my Dad, Norman Rodger Baker who passed December 3, 1967....the day that forever changed our lives. Mom was a widow at the age of 23 with 3 children under the age of 10. I love you Dad. Love Donna XOME


Dearest Todd, After almost 21 years, I write you this letter to pay tribute to your life, lost too soon due to a workplace accident that we never saw coming. September 22, 1995, we had the most beautiful wedding in our home town of Kincardine. No hitches, no problems, everything was perfect, even a big perfect rainbow to top off our perfect day. A day full of our favorite people and our biggest supporters. A day of laughs, dancing, and yes a few drinks. A hotel room, ransacked by our best friends; the starting of a beautiful life together. I am so grateful for that day. I am so grateful to those who shared it with us. The morning of October 27th, 1995, was a morning like many others. The alarm didn't go off and you were running late for work. A kind of grumpy morning. A kiss and I love you were the last words we would verbally speak to one another. You went on to work and I went on to do laundry and watch Sally Jessey Rapheal. In the middle of the Sally Show, I received a call. The call that would notify me of the unthinkable. When I arrived at the hospital, you were not able to physically speak and my heart wouldn't allow me the words, so there was a squeeze of the hand, and a thumbs up. I have replayed that morning many times... If I would have known,...if we would have known... if we only knew that these things did not just happen to "other people"....there are so many things I would have said. You fought for 17 days in the Wellesley Hospital Burn Unit, surrounded by family, friends and amazing doctors and nurses. You fought for us and when your time had come, we all knew. We were there and it was a moment of quiet and peace that I do not think I had ever experienced before. You left the legacy of being one of the first to have a certain type of skin transplant and Dr.'s even came from the USA to oversee the operation. From that point on, that type of surgery was an option for others. Your loss was a loss to several communities, and brought awareness to the importance of workplace safety. In your convalescence,and passing the communities of Barrie, Orillia, and Kincardine came together to support and pray for you. Our families were surrounded by support. There were letters, cards, donations, poetry, angel pins and books sent to me by friends and people whom we had never met. People who were touched and impacted by your story. The kindness, reflected the kind of light you brought to the world. I am and was so grateful and I know you were too. You were a son, a brother, a father, a husband, a grandson, a cousin and a friend. There were so many people who felt your loss. It represented an awakening about mortality and that bad things sometimes happen to great people. At only 20 years old, I planned your funeral with the support of your family. This was an experience I had never expected so soon. Your funeral was huge and people came from all over. It was impressive how many people you had impacted and touched in your lifetime. However, your death was one day in a lifetime of amazing days that you lived. I have so many amazing memories. There were so many laughs and many an argument that ended in laughter because you would say something ridiculous and there was no ability to argue. I used to hate it when you called me "Bubba", but I would give anything to hear you say it again. When you had an idea in your head you impulsively went a head, sometimes causing issues. Like the time you decided you wanted a phone in the garage, so you drilled a whole though the middle of the living room wall or the time that you randomly brought home an abused dog, "Brew", who ended up to be a comfort to me in the days that followed your death. I recall, your decision to get an iguana, that would slap you hard with his tale. Darn thing slapped a plate so hard he broke his tail. The presence of the iguana after your death was not comforting, I must admit, but I have a feeling you were watching an laughing as I tried to catch him when he would escape, with oven gloves on my hands. There are so many memories, like the time you bought me a puppy, "Chrissi", who ate part of the arm off of my mom's antique couch. Or the dreaded time we broke the bed at my parent's house(those of you reading it's not what you think...but imagine the uncomfortable conversation with my parents). The laughs we have had and the things we tried to get away with, like you moving to Orillia and telling my parents you were renting a room... lol SO so many amazing memories, sledding and chili on Christmas eve and campfires where your mom gave us a little too much I can never forget Secret Santa. For the short life you lived, you really lived it. You made it count. You could make me laugh and infuriate me all at one time. Your creepy sleep walking and talking kept me on my toes. You were an amazing man. I am so grateful for your life and the time we shared. I regret that you did not have more time with your son and that you never met some of your nieces and nephews. I regret the pain your parents had to face in your loss, I just cannot imagine. For me, Garth Brookes said it best "If I would have known the way it all would go, I could have missed the pain but I'd have had to miss the dance." In reflection of some of your fav songs "All I wanna do is have some fun" and "Bad Boys", I can be comforted in the fact that you are always there when I hear them on the radio. As you watch over our lives I wonder if it is much like the reality shows like Cops that you so much enjoyed. I wonder if we have become your entertainment. Those songs reflect the lens that you saw the world through, happiness, humor and humility. Through all of this, we have stayed family. Our connection, is our connection to you and your value for family. Everyone, has made the best we can of this situation and our lives. Your son has grown into a fine young man from my understanding and you would be so proud. I hope that your life continues to be a reminder that no job, or opportunity is worth a life. Workplace safety is important and bad things do happen to great people and you were a great man. The sound of your laugh is always with me and I see your presence in the world around me... You continue to be my reminder that almost anything can be funny and that taking notice of all of the little things, fills your heart. You were you... and there was no making changes. You accepted and had the humility to laugh at yourself and it was always something I respected. You have taught me so much You are missed, appreciate and remembered. We have done our best to honor your life by going on with ours in a way we all hope you would be proud of. "Love and Memories Never Die" I thank WSIB for the Day of Mourning and the opportunity to pay tribute. This is very healing to have the opportunity to do something I could not do at the funeral. Todd you are loved and missed forever. Love Tara, Bubba XOXOXO

Claude Lepage

Mon père a eu un accident de travail en septembre 1997 qui l'a rendu paralysé, il est décédé 8 ans plus tard. Il était un homme avec un très grand coeur. Il nous a appris à voir la vie différemment, de surmonter les problèmes en riant, ce qui nous a beaucoup aider après son accident. Il nous manques énormément. Love you dad :(


This tribute is for you, Dad. You gave your life to the farm on January 26, 2015. Every day without you is significantly harder, but the memories keep us going. As we prepare for the coming season, we know you will always guide us from above with that megawatt smile on your face. We miss you so much.

Husband, Dad & Grandpa - Eddie Rizzo

An "accident" at work that took you away from your family a week before Christmas in 2013. Your beautiful smile, contagious laugh and warm hugs will never be forgotten. Thinking about you and missing you every day! May you rest in peace and know that you are in our hearts, our thoughts and you will never be forgotten.


Greg Fecteau, Firefighter, passed away from work-related lung cancer February 14, 2007. One of the best men you could ever meet. Greg, I frequently walk by the monument that bears your name and the names of all those Toronto Firefighters who died on the job; the tribute located outside of the Harbourfront Fire Station. I never fail to say hello ... because I know you were never one to just walk on by. Rest in peace, Greg.

My son justin

My son justin died April 11 2011. It has been 4 years since you were taking We miss you very much more each day Love you very much Instil we meet again


For a young man who was there for me when I needed someone. His life was taken way too soon.

Dad (Gerry)

Not a day passes I don't think about my life without you. You are missed, but never forgotten. Always in our hearts, and in the smile of your grandchildren. We love you!


For my dad who died at work Rip Dad (Joe )


To the employees who lost their lives working for us 5 years ago, my deepest condolences to your families and friends.


My heart is heavy with the thought of the pain and heartache that survivors endure due to a death. A workplace should be safe and enjoyable.


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Brian Daniel

July 2, 2014 ..... Brian you are gone but never forgotten

Justin Wilson

The light dimmed in more lives than you could imagine any one person could impact when Justin Wilson was lost to his friends and family in a workplace accident on June 21, 2013 when he was working at the Graphite Mine near Huntsville and fell through an opening in the roof. Never forgotten, missed beyond belief, memories treasured forever.


Luke was killed on May 12, 1995, on the fifth day of his summer job, working for a large recycling company. Hired to remove the cardboard from the garbage after it was dumped, Luke died from traumatic asphyxiation, the result of having his windpipe crushed, after he was buried under a mountain of garbage. Luke was a beloved son, grandson, great-grandson, nephew, cousin, and friend, and we all miss him very much. One death to a workplace tragedy is one too many...

workers and their families

Thinking of the families and friends for those who have lost a loved one on the job. Sorry for your loss.

Rodger Baker

In memory of my Dad, who lost his life on the job, December 4, 1968. The day that changed our lives forever. You are forever in our hearts. I love you Dad. Donna XO

Edward Clarence Warwick

For my Dad who was injured on the job and died on Dec 25, 1962. Even though I never met you I still love you and miss all the thing we did not get to do as Father and Daughter. Miss you Dad!! Eileen Warwick Milmine.

Wayne Taylor

You are loved and missed everyday. I am sorry that your time with us ended, especially in the manner it did. May you soar freely and peacefully, baby....I'll love you forever, I'll like you for always....xoxo


For my father... I am so thankful that you are still with us and I cherish each and every moment. Your at work injury changed our lives forever. I will never forget the day when we got the call that you were seriously injured, and I remember the drive to the hospital not knowing weather or not you were going to make it. Thankfully after many surgeries and years of recovery we have many memories that we share. However, I can't help but think of those who were less fortunate and were taken away from their families way too soon. I can only imagine how life shattering their loss is. My thoughts and prayers go out to those victims, family, friends and coworkers.

Tim Hickman

Our granddaughters learn of their uncle Tim by the stories we tell. They are wise beyond their young years as they hear the stories through Threads of Life and as they walk each year in Steps for Life. They know that Tim loved life and loved to laugh and share good and bad times with his friends and family. We love him and miss him each day. (Tim Hickman - March 25, 1975 - April 2, 1996)

Arlindo Gonsalves Freitas

Born on September 7, 1968 died on February 25, 2014 Your life was stolen from you and your family in a horrible way. The so-called accident that could have been prevented if it wasn't for negligence. You loved your job and you give you're life for your job. You are gone, but never forgotten. By your wife and children that miss you every day! Family and friends Rest in Peace Arlindo until we meet again!

Amo Dhanjal

Amo Dhanjal...husband, father, brother, son and friend. Amo died in a tragic work place accident leaving behind 3 young daughters and myself, his wife. Although it was over 10 years ago, the memory of that horrible night lives in my mind forever. Hoping for continued change in workplace safety so that these unnecessary accidents can be prevented and more families will be spared the grief of this type of loss. Amo will always remain in our heart forever, and his big infectious smile and his face, lives on in our children. Miss you!


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The best big brother a girl could ask for. Breathe easy.


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I'm so very thankful you're alive. I was shocked and saddened by the physical and emotional trauma of what you just endured. It must have been so frightening and painful. I'm thinking of you and I wish you a full recovery -- with much love from your family and friends and support from the medical community, your employer and the WSIB.

For my dad and my spouse

It's hard enough to lose one person but, to lose two of the closest men in my life to a work accident is really unbelievable. My heart goes out to everyone who has lost someone. The pain never goes away but you do learn to move on. Safety is so important and keep sharing the message with others. I love you Dad and Scott Daniel Ozee. Forever in my heart xoxox Krista-Lee


who was killed on the job on January 13, 2005, while working in Alberta. He suffocated due to lack of oxygen from hydrocarbon gases while working alone in a separator shack. Not a day goes by I don't miss him, not a day goes by I don't wish I could here his hardy laugh, not a day goes by that I don't want to hear those words every Mom wants to hear, "I love you Mom", not a day goes by that I don't miss for Jonathan what Jonathan is missing here on earth. I am out there promoting workplace safety and preventing workplace accidents and fatalities. I am doing it in Memory of my beautiful son...until we meet again Jonathan, I Love You and Miss you so Much..Love Mom..xox


We express our sorrow for the grief and suffering by the victims, family, friends and coworkers who suffered a illness, injury or death as a result of their duties at work. Let's pay tribute to those we honor April 28th by making workplaces safer.

Lloyd Bond

There isn't a day that goes by without me thinking of you, you are gone, but never forgotten. DW

Sudbury WSIB Advocacy Group

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